some places to dive in central jersey

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New jersey home of some black water
Hey all,
My g/f and my self are currently in the OWC getting ready to do our check out dives. So I was wondering if any central jersey divers can throw some ideas and places to dive mostly shore dives for the beginner you know a place where me and my g/f can go with other friends that have been diving for years and more certs then I thought padi had we figure while we do our thing they can laugh at us rolling around trying to get our weight and buoyancy right. Most of the time they go to Belmar, shark river to dive the back bay and stuff. They also do the big dives with the dive boats and stuff I don’t think we will be doing that anytime soon. We Just want to do some shallow dives to practice our buoyancy and other skills until all the new info we learned becomes second nature to us. I don’t think we’ll be venturing down to deep for a while until we are REALL secure with our selves and our skills. Were having a blast doing scuba. Just one problem we have is...... why did we wait so long to do this? We are not even done with OW yet and want to sign up for the AOWC.
Glad you found us! This is a great place to spend your SI, but watch out, it's addictive!

I'm some of the folks here in the Wreck Valley forum will help you out with information.
The next step up from L street beach would be the Point Pleasant Railroad bridge, more marine life but more current so time your dive for high slack tide. When you are more comfortable with your skills go back up to Belmar where A street meets the Shark River, again watch the tides. Next step, over the bridge to Avon, entry is under the bridge, exit is climbing back up over the rocks or once you get good let the current take you out the inlet, north around the jetty and walk back up the beach. Showers are at the boardwalk. One very important note, Shark River diving is dusk to dawn from Memorial day to Labor day and stay out of the channel.
Why don't you join one of the local dive clubs...there are a bunch of them in this area. Mine goes to Shark River on weekends weather/tide permitting.
If you tell me what town you live in, I may be able to hook you up.
Go to DS to get more familiar with your gear and more comfortable in the water. Go on a weekday. It's not as crowded. Take a wreck reel and get use to using one. Fear of open water (the ocean) is probably what is stopping you from diving NJ. So take a trip to FL, NC, or some place with good vis before diving Jersey. Get some confidence and than do some Jersey boat dives. You will find that they are very enjoyable, but don't do Jersey until your confortable. This may take you 2 dives, 10 dives or more, but be confident in your skills. It's not all that bad, but the vis varies and some people may be a little nervous. DS can get some poor vis at times and is good diving practice without the current to deal with. I strongly suggest diving waters that have good vis first. You will be more comfortable and calmer on your dives. This will get you breathing better.
One more comment. Check out You will find lots of information about wrecks and the conditions off the NJ coast. If you click on the shipwreck icon, there is a list of many of the wrecks to visit and some even offer a short video that the Captain has recorded during a dive.
I'd be up for Shark River! I know at least 3-4 other divers who are really into doing shark River too, but would prefer to do their first dive there with someone who knows the site.

Please post a thread when you may be going.

Also I may be attempting the dual wrecks in Long Branch next weekend. Not sure what day yet. I think tide was around 1:00 Sat and 2:00 Sun. May have been 12:00 and 1:00 though. I'll start a new thread with the details.
Well I live in Marlboro nj and my friends dive all over. Belmar is just one of many areas that they dive. They also dive the bridge and the wreaks. We can not wait to finish our OW check out dives so we can check out all the underwater world of jersey has to offer. I was thinking that once we are comfortable with jersey water Florida and the Bahamas should not be a real problem. I keep hearing people say and write that jersey sux do dive in you can't see *explicit* and then when you go to other places to dive and they find out your a jersey diver they tell others to follow you. All i can say is we want to go diving baaaaaaaad.
Thanks to all for your ideas
Dove shark river back bay twice since I live nearby. Weekday afternoon seemed best due to boat and ramp traffic. We kept around the sailing docks and row of pilings in front of the L-street bridge for fear of being run over. Most divers seem to tie on a line to the flag and stay down when near the boat ramp in the channel (the nice deep sandier area) I suppose they navigate using a compass. I was told it is proper to swim out, anchor flag, dive and come up at the flag, but I watched jetskis and boats comming within several feet of other divers flags. Any suggestions....or just head south to shallower water area and contend with more rental boats and sea wall fishermen? Any tips appreciated!
Dove shark river back bay twice since I live nearby. Weekday afternoon seemed best due to boat and ramp traffic. We kept around the sailing docks and row of pilings in front of the L-street bridge for fear of being run over. Most divers seem to tie on a line to the flag and stay down when near the boat ramp in the channel (the nice deep sandier area) I suppose they navigate using a compass. I was told it is proper to swim out, anchor flag, dive and come up at the flag, but I watched jetskis and boats comming within several feet of other divers flags. Any suggestions....or just head south to shallower water area and contend with more rental boats and sea wall fishermen? Any tips appreciated!
Tried to do the back bay a few months back, but vis was horrible that day and it was pretty choppy even back there.

I've thinking about adding a second flag to my bouy for diving sites like this. "KEEP BACK: DIVERS BELOW!" or something like that maybe the idiots at least know how to read.

How deep does it get in that "the nice deep sandier area"?

Still haven't dove Shark River (inlet or back bay). I know there are at least a few others who want to check this site out. You should post here the next time you go.

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