Hey guys, I'm glad to see things are looking so much better!
-Begin Minor Soapbox Rant-
Media is liberal? Wrong - just for the record, having been involved with media in various newsworthy events, the media is not liberal, nor is it conservative. It is greedy, and whatever it can do to sell more ad space/media space will be what they do. I can't tell you how many times I've seen stories exagerated beyond belief. I've seen wrecks turned into "chemical spills" when not a drop was spilled, I've seen floods of a few feet turn into "waters up to the rooftops," and I've seen simple accidents turned into "senseless tragedies that could have been avoided."
Anyone find it odd that the news coverage of Cozumel and Cancun has been minimal? I find it annoying, but not odd - divers are a small demographic, and us Mexicans (I'm Hispanic) still aren't recognized as a sophisticated demographic that cares about more than tortillas and credit cards. Much more mediagenic to focus on the Frech Quarter, Mardi Gras, and casinos.
The only difference between the National Enquirer and the Washington Post, or Fox News and CNN, is the amount of sensationalism they promote. Don't let them skew your view of the world beyond reality. Always take them with a grain of salt.
-End Minor Soapbox Rant-
Boy, I'm really looking forward to getting down there to go diving. Things sound like they are in pretty good shape, and I'm amazed how much better these pics look than the ones we saw earlier in the week!