In the mean time, would anyone here with more experience than me consider diving with just their drysuit and frame and no BCD?
Only if I had a way to drop weights
before hitting 150 feet.
Hitting the bottom at 75ft and solving the issue there would be unpleasant but not deadly.
I have done it. I have been diving relying only on a drysuit for buoyancy. Lots of limitations. Lots of caveats. I always have a backup plan for how to resurface.
If your drysuit floods (and it really has happened to people) then you will need to reach the surface somehow - and stay afloat.
It's up to you to choose how to achieve that.
Crawling up a gentle slope is one option.
It takes time, so please carry enough air.
If there are walls, you'll need a plan.
I mean I know of some people that use the BCD as their buoyancy device anyway and leave they jacket empty.
That does not make any sense.
BCD stands for Buoyancy Compensator Device.
A jacket BCD is one option. A "wing" type bladder attached to a backplate is another option. A drysuit is a third option. Your fourth option would be a submarine.
If I stick to my self imposed limit of 10m what are your thoughts on this?
If you fail to maintain neutral or positive buoyancy then it does not matter how deep you are. You will end up at 3000 feet, and it's a one-way journey.
Depth is more relevant if you run out of air.