I may end up in the end adopting this written check list, seems like a very good ideal as was stated about the pilots check list.
Is my AIR on? How do I know it?
Is my B/C-harness properly adjusted? How do I know it?
Is everything CLIPPED into place? How do I know it?
Can I DITCH everything? How do I know it?
In addition, I would demonstrate an OOA drill with my buddy or test my pony. I donate my primary with my right hand extended. With my left hand I reach for my backup near my chin. I visually demonstrate that.
For the pony, I turn it on, making sure it is fully pressurized, then turn it back off, leaving it pressurized. The pressure should read 3000 psi.
For tech diving, I would add a bubble check at 20 ft with a small metal mirror. 20 ft is also where I switch onto my hypoxic bottom mix, if its hypoxic. I do the switch before the bubble check.
Then one look at the two depth/time gauges next to each other on my wrist confirms that they are working.
Thats my checklist. Short and sweet.
Your checklist does not need to be a mile long. Fine, if it is. But it does not need to be, if you planned your dive well, and if you have good gear redundancy. KISS. The simpler, the better.