Never knew a long hose which was intended for cave diving so a buddy could trail through narrow passages would have such a loyal following in open water solo diving or whatever kinda diving. I don't generally use single hose regulators, Royal AquaMaster for me, the King of Regulators, so smooth and reliable and comfortable and simple. Nonetheless I have installed some time ago on my favorite single hose units and on the octa that I use with the Royal (when not solo) a high quality swivel at the second stage. These in conjunction with a 40 inch hose allow the regulator to route below my arm and very close to my body and it also prevents it pulling downward. I will pass on the seven foot long hose wrapped around my neck--lol---but if it works for you then great. If your solo diving and your the only one in the ocean then who is going to run into you out of air? We had a thread about octapus and solo, I don't use a octa when solo. If I am going deep enough that I feel I need redundancy then I have real redundancy like my doubles with a complete second regulator or a pony fitted with complete regulator. Oh well, not completely, I guess I have group soloed with an octa attached to the Royal--just in case---and I bungee it with a quick release to my neck so the diver in need can get it since I don't think they will be able to use my double hose. Buddy breathing really is so easy in open water conditions---just face one another and rotate the hose back and forth to each other, works fine. I think it was a 1960 episode of SeaHunt where Mike Nelson rescued two children from a tidal flooded cave, they buddy breathed the double hose and heck--they had never been diving before so it cannot be that hard! When buddy diving I do the same thing, the donnar regulator is on a 40 inch hose below my arm and bungee to my neck with a quick release or to the web on my BP in my chest area since my primary is a Aqua-Master. I have thought about a quick release buckle for my BP for the LH shoulder strap, I have a bad shoulder and it would help getting in and out but so far I have not installed it. I bought a stainless one for it. In the old days a buckle in that location was common, still love to dive my Voit SnugPacks and they have a buckle in the LH shoulder. I guess we are all weird, we are Solo and that is just plain weird---lol. N