SoFl Conch Get-together, May 20th

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Hello All,
To those who remember me...."SORRY" those who don't I look forward to the opportunity....:D - Just wanted to say "hello" to all you amazing southerners who live where the water never gets stiff.....I'll be down to see you this weekend....looking forward to more great diving & even better renewed aquaintances & those yet to come.
Cheers, Darryl.

Excellent, Darryl!!! Your timing could not have been better!!
Yes, you can cruise on over to Fill Express

I think I will do that for Lis Sis and I, so I am not hauling tanks from Tampa. Thanks for the link.

Anyone wanting to look at the dive schedule for Sunday follow this link: It is with the American Dream II. Let me know.

Bubblenurse, if you look a page back there is a link to a dive shop where you can rent tanks.
Hello. I am interested in meeting local divers in our area. Padipro suggested I e-mail this thread to get information about the get together on the 20th. I am interested in joining however I don't know any local divers. I would like to dive but do not have tanks - I have all my other gear. Would I need to see about renting tanks and if so, where. Who would be the contact person for the get together? I don't just want to show up like "here I am". Thanks Kim
Hi bubblenurse!!!
1. Pick a dive time...sunrise (6:30ish) or 900 (for those of us who are actually sane).

Look for the random loud crowd getting geared up. Just ask if we're from scubaboard---we'll say yes, promise.

Join the fun. Really. We're always happy to have new buddies, and we've all been "the new one" before. Come on out; just introduce yourself. We only bite every once in a while!!!!

For everyone else asking, the "schedule" is as follows (riiiiight....we're Conchs, we operate on Island time......)...

Oh-dark-thirty: (6-6:30ish)...Sunrise dive
8:30 show, 9:00 dive, next dive

12:00-whenever Howarde kicks us out: BBQ/lunch/tall-tale-telling time/party/etc.

I will say with certainty that there will be people coming and going, and dive groups most likely will end up in twos/threes/ would be wild to have 20 of us trying to get in and dive all at once. (Who's bringing the camera for THAT?)

I'm bringing three extra tanks (one is a ST80) for loaning......first come, first served. :) See ya'll Saturday
I have some obligations Saturday morning but no plans for the afternoon so I would love to meet some of my fellow Conchs if I can still make a reservation. After all, I will be diving with several of you in the Keys in July and would like to get to know some of my future buddies before the trip. Speaking of which, many of you have done several conch functions and this would be my first so do you provide name tags so I can figure out who you all are?

As far as food, I can stop by Publix and pick up some of those Buffalo chicken strips (popular post dive snack in my neighborhood) and will bring a couple bottles of wine that should not last very long.

Also, how do I get past the bouncer? Is there a formal invitation I need to present or do you have a secret password or handshake?

Best Wishes

Just join the fun, and bring something to add to the food or drink department.

Unfortunately, despite it being awesome diving conditions at o'dark thirty, I will have to make the later, second dive. Oh well, better late than never. Also, if anybody is sober enough, a late afternoon/evening dive sounds good!
Oh, and go to the first post for directions to the place and the spreadsheet with food items.
We have officially pledged enough rum....and beer....and wine.....and the weather gods, and they have chosen to appease us:


Y'all have fun. We finished one trip early so we get to start the next one early. I wanna go to the party, not survey ocean dump sites. *&%** schedule is messed up, we were supposed to get in early and be in for the 20th.

O dark thirty saturday morning we're off for 10 days to survey Ft lauderdale, Miami and Key West. Saturday mornings are for fun, not work. I really have to work on this retirement thing.

Hope everyone has a great time at the party, looks like excellent weather.

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