Make sure you sign in on the Calender for this event. There is going to be some great guest speakers, good food, diving, and alot of conversation. Bring the family!
SoCal Dive-In
Safety Note:
The Beach Crabs are a dive scheduling group. We schedule dives. Each diver is responsible for making sure they have planned their individual dives, are experienced enough to do the dives, and have talked with and feel comfortable with a dive buddy. These dives are scheduled for your enjoyment. Scubaboard, The Beach Crabs, and the participants, of these dives, are not responsible for you, your equipment, for your dive planning, determining your qualifications for these dives, or teaming you with an experienced buddy. You alone are solely responsible for your diving activities! Make sure you dive in a safe and responsible manner. By participating in The Beach Crabs events, you agree to these terms.
SoCal Dive-In
Safety Note:
The Beach Crabs are a dive scheduling group. We schedule dives. Each diver is responsible for making sure they have planned their individual dives, are experienced enough to do the dives, and have talked with and feel comfortable with a dive buddy. These dives are scheduled for your enjoyment. Scubaboard, The Beach Crabs, and the participants, of these dives, are not responsible for you, your equipment, for your dive planning, determining your qualifications for these dives, or teaming you with an experienced buddy. You alone are solely responsible for your diving activities! Make sure you dive in a safe and responsible manner. By participating in The Beach Crabs events, you agree to these terms.
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