Well, this is unfortunate. As Karen's dive partner for this trip, I was holding back from posting assuming Phillip at Scuba Center Temecula would do the right thing. His hard-line approach through 95% of this however (yes I see the offer to resell after peer pressure was applied) is most disturbing. I've been on several charters in several areas, the general protocol is as most people have stated - there is a time when you can start to check in and there is a departure time. Yes, there are those who are late for departure times but usually we wait 10 minutes to be good sports. There's no complicated double-speak to decipher, or secret drop-dead times when trips really leave despite whatever his newly-modified website says.
Yes, I too was dumb-founded to see the boat had left when Karen and I arrived at 6:30. It usually takes us all of 15 minutes to get our gear squared away on a typical boat. We're usually the ones laughing and helping others with spare o-rings or whatever. Those who know the Bottom Scratcher will know there is a bait stand right at the pier where the boat is docked. I went in and talked to the guys in there at 6:30 (ask them if you like next time you're around). They were kinda surprised the boat took off at 6:15 but that's what happened. Karen and I sat in our car and made several cells phone calls to try and find another charter operator. I'll hunt around and find a way to post that bill online if requested so everyone can see we were not lying about being there at 6:30 as Phillip makes it sound.
What's troubling is we talked to the shop the night before the trip about exact weights needed for the trip (we went diving with another operator that saturday and needed to tweak a couple things). The shop knew we were planning to show up. On Sunday, after we missed the boat, we waited for the Temecula shop to open and we called - we asked if we had screwed up the departure time as we missed the trip. The kid at the shop, Jason, said "no" - the departure time was 7am on his paperwork. So, even the shop employees didn't know about the ultra-strict time rules Phillip has for his trips! That's one of the two things that bother me about all this - I don't think everyone really knew the rules were that strict. The bottom line is Phillip made a mistake I think in assuming all were on board, and now he wants to hide behind all this flim-flam about check-in times vs. departure times vs. roll-call times or whatever. Why not just say, hey I made a mistake, my bad, here's the money or here's a trip you can resell. No, just no refund for any reason about a 100 times in a row.
The other thing that bothers me is his characterization that Karen changed the story several times to weasel some money out of the guy. The truth is we were there at 6:30, plenty of time to ensure a 7am departure, period. We did all we could beforehand to call and confirm reservations, weight and air rentals, etc. There was no need to leave early. Karen also did not say she was going trash the guy on the board or sue him or whatever. I was there - she was actually going to be too polite and forget it, thinking she had made the mistake. I said I thought we should demand a refund. What's best about her is she has a hard time being mean to anyone. I, on the other hand, have no problem working hard to ensure this guy does the right thing. There's no need to paint Karen as a flake when it's Phillip's operation that has the poor process and confusing procedures. I will guess the offer to transfer or resell the two spots will be revoked when he reads this, which is fine. I'm more interested in proving a point here than prying some money out of this guy's grubby hands. So, if the dive industry is evolving into a place where everything has to become a bare-knuckle fight just get things settled then fine, I can adapt. I will miss however the sport where people were decent and the golden rule applied.

- Rod