Link to my trip report, if you have trouble sleeping and have already pounded through Andy's dive blog.
Its good to be home. Kona diving isn't all that. Of course, diving in Redondo Canyon last night I did get to see lots of squid eggs, saw some squirters and did have the distinct pleasure of diving in 54 degree water with 2 - 15 feet of viz. Home sweet home, baby.
I missed SoCal. Kona rocks, but I prefer the diving here for sure.
Its good to be home. Kona diving isn't all that. Of course, diving in Redondo Canyon last night I did get to see lots of squid eggs, saw some squirters and did have the distinct pleasure of diving in 54 degree water with 2 - 15 feet of viz. Home sweet home, baby.
I missed SoCal. Kona rocks, but I prefer the diving here for sure.