I had just returned from a business trip to Honolulu. It looked like something I wanted to check out; an itch to be scratched.
Found an instructor who actually knew how to teach and started. Just about quit during the pool sessions. I DID NOT like being underwater. He told me to hang in there for one more session.
In that session all our gear was put on the bottom of the deep end of the pool. We had to go, get it, and correctly don it without surfacing. I did and everything clicked. Wonderful.
Certified Thanksgiving weekend 1999 in the blowing snow of Valdez, Alaska in 27F air temp and 43F, at depth, water temp wearing a "semi-dry"(slower water exchange they claim). As I stood on the shore before Dive 1 I wondered what in the he** I was doing there. But by dive two was hooked big time.
My buddy was a high school student and we had a Ball. We especially had fun on the Lost Diver Drill when we had to find the diver, recover him, tow to shore doing rescue breathing, etc, do CPR and manage the shore scene.