so.. whats the deal with the swamp divers?

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Reaction score
Watauga, TX
# of dives
200 - 499

New to Diving, fairly new to TX.

Are the texas swamp divers like a big org that you gotta like join and pay dues and stuff or what?

I don't know of anyone that dives around here other than my teachers and my girl friend.

We had an awsome day at athens on the 4th, and thought, how cool would it be to have a group there to cook out and stuff during the SIT.. all my friends are a bit "dry" so its just the too of us, sometimes good, sometimes wish there were more :-(
..and the dues are fairly steep...and what you'll want to do is pay the dues directly to me...but DON'T tell the others..OK? 'cause see... I'm gonna cut you a break on the price of the dues and if the others find out, they'll all get PO' you must say nothing of this to the others!...oh and welcome aboard!
I can't believe you haven't run across the Northern Swamp Divers yet! But then again, I think they mostly hang out at Clear Springs Scuba Park.

The Texas Swamp Diving Team is just one of 10 chapters of NDI across the States and Canada. Since Texas is so large, we have sort of evolved into the Southern Swampers and the Northern Swampers. Each has their own plans, favorite dive spots, activities, etc. The only way to become a Swamper is to dive with another one! We do have various initiation rights but you have to join first to find out what they are! :mean: At this time there are no dues, no meetings, and no officers. Although Two Bit Texan sort of heads the Northern Swampers and I sort of plan things down here in the south but all we basically do is keep up with a few details for everyone.

The best thing for you to do is read through this Swampers forum and get familiar with folks, introduce yourself and tell us about your diving, and join in on the plans to dive. You'll be more than welcome to join the dives, you just have to speak up!
..we are all about like you. We like to dive and we like to hang out with others who like to dive. Yeah, and we like cookin' out and stuff too.

Basically just show up to a gathering and you're in! We use this board to find out when others will be diving and that's how we plan the get togethers. Sometimes we plan big get togethers where the Northern Swampers and the Southern Swampers all get together. We do that a couple of times a year. Basically, though if you show up to CSSP or Athen's, you are likely to run into a couple (or more) of us. That's basically all a smaller get together is.

Watch the boards and when you see others going to a place you would like to dive at a time you would like to dive. You just ask where at the site we will be and what we drive. When you see our vehicles, you holler, "Hey!.. Are y'all swampdivers?" and when we say,"Yep!" You then say," Well alright! it looks like I found the right place...I'm FixxerV16!...Nice to meet y'all!"...and that's really all there is to it.

Welcome Aboard!

Well, hello, I'm a newbie (but don't be scared, I stay off the bottom quite well!) in the DFW area.

I have my OW, and about 10 dives in, so I guess I'm just about as green as green can get, plan on taking nitrox and oxygen administration soon, then onto advanced once I have purchased all of my goodies.
FixxerV16 once bubbled..
I have my OW, and about 10 dives in, so I guess I'm just about as green as green can get,

That's where everybody starts.

Actually, ...and it's still kinda iffy, but I may be out at CSSP on Sunday. I would like to get in one more before I leave for Grand Cayman! Woo! Hoo!

I'll start another thread and see if anyone else will be out there.
seriously, I do stay off the bottom, my instructor made really good comments about me staying off the bottom and gave me a pat on the back for it, said its unusual to see a newbie stay off the bottom, personally, I dont 'like it when people come through my good vis and kick it up, I was at athens one time and a couple came through, I thought they had a hand blender running it through the dirt on the bottom it was so bad, kinda made me mad.

I hit the bottom when I can't see it and find it on the way down :rolleyes:
Welcome Fixxer,

You are welcome to come join us at any time. As Dee said, we (I) tend to refer CSSP for several reasons.

I am also in Grad school so my diving has been a little curtailed lately.

The Northern group is kinda scattered all over the DFW area, but everyone is nice and willing to dive with anyone.

If you have any questions or want to hook up, just ask. Someone will normally be willing to go.

I am fairly new to both as well. Moved to Aggieland (Bryan/College Station) in August last year and have only been diving TWICE since then. I believe my gills have oficially dried out! My LDS has a club, but they are not very active and seem to focus mainly on trips rather than falling in a local pond if you get my drift.

Both times I went were to Blue Lagoon and I had a lousy time on both occasions. Not a whole lot to look at, but a decent place to find lost gear from the many checkout dives they have. I am betting it would be more fun with a group playing games or something (scavenger hunt?).

Are there any good spots relatively close to my location (less than 2 hours)? I desperately need to get back in the water before I lose any skills I may have developed in my mere 30-something dives.

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