Eric Sedletzky
staying up late, getting ready for the holidays, and feeling a bit reflective.
I just put some of my Son's books away, and noticed he had one I had given him from my collection, stashed in his clubhouse (corner of bedroom, behind a chair, under an extra comforter, with the stuffed animals guarding the door), it's from the 70's I believe, was published by National Geographic, and is called "underwater adventures" or something like that.
I flipped through it to find one of my favorite pictures, thought on it for a moment, and have decided that particular photo is pretty much responsible for grabbing my imagination and hooking the 12yearold me on the idea of diving in the sea many years ago. It's not the pot-o-gold, mind you, but the feel of the moment that seems to be captured there on the rocks.
Anyway, I have single-hosed it since I was a kid, and now this last year that I have been getting a double hose rig together, I am drawn back to this photo. May have to blow the thing up and make a poster for the den/manroom.
Thought I'd share, so here it is. (don't sue me NG!)
I thought it might be kinda fun to hear what inspired some of the rest of you to put on a tank and take a splash, as a kid or as an adult.
Could be a pretty good thread...
Man, those are some great pictures!
It's really art when you see a photo like that and it evokes a feeling and moves you somehow.
I'm kind of a late comer into the diving world.
I've only been involved for about 13 years.
I started freediving for abalone off the Northern California coast after seeing guys coming out of the water with limits of abalone. I used to shore fish then got a rubber raft to fish from then got a wetsuit for safety while in my raft, then decided I could piece together enough gear to ab dive, and so on till I was certified.
Now I have been working my way into vintage diving from modern minimalist diving and it has become an obsession. I feel sometimes like I'm all alone in my pursuits in my area.
Many of the people that I have dove with in the past have gone the route of DIR which personally makes me nauseous for many reasons.
I have chosen to go the exact opposite direction which has caused quite a reaction.
I can tell the other side disapproves and thinks that what I am doing is reckless, and that the "old archaic" way of diving is dangerous and irresponsible. They are polite to my face, but I know what they are thinking. At club dives they are very quiet and they watch with contempt.
I don't care. The discovery of vintage diving has opened up a whole new world for me. I aquired a 1960 DA Aquamaster and restored it to better than brand new condition. I also have a late 1950's Healthways double hose regulator that a friend gave me, which is also restored to operating condition.
I have been making strap harnesses for a few older tanks I have to use with my double hoses.
I love history and diving this old gear really inspires me.
I was not around "back in the day" so this is the closest I can get to understanding and feeling what it was like.
Old photos and reruns of Sea Hunt are like vitamins to me.