Any of you who know me well know I've been trying for about 4 or 5 years to get to Farnsworth Banks. Until Sunday, I was a perfect 0 for 4 on dedicated FB trips, and a perfect 0 for 1 on a FB add-on. So my total is 0 for 5.
But on Sunday, I was on the right boat at the right time. Cap't Ray comes through big time, puts us on a great pinnacle. With no camera

(I get the housing back tomorrow...) I was able to make a perfect dive on Farnsworth on a day with 50+ viz.
About BareFoot Blue
But as anyone knows, the best trips and the best parties aren't about location, or the attendees - they're about the host. And once again, I gotta pour mad lovin' on BareFoot Blue. :10:
These guys cast and host a great trip. Both of the BFB charters I have been on have been excellent trips. Both took me to sites I've either never been to or rarely get to on the other "open" SoCal boats. BFB trips have been all inclusive affairs - loaded with great food, above average divers and lots o' fun! Drama free, stress free, excellent sites, great hang - the BFB gang just know how to deliver a good time.
These guys are going to change the way discriminating divers dive in SoCal - I can't be strong enough about this: If you have the opportunity to get onto one of their trips (no easy manner, and each one has sold out with the limited loads and great destinations they're offering) you will not regret it. No club dues to pay, no inflated dive shop prices, no cattle boating. We're
Clients to BareFoot Blue, not just customers. You will feel the difference.
What the heck is this thing?
On dive #2 (Eagles Nest, I believe was the site) on this Sunday trip, I stumbled onto this cool shell.
I managed to carry it around for about 45 minutes on the dive, AND get it back onto the boat, AND get it home without crushing it into a zillion pieces - a big deal for me, as I'm a complete klutz.
Claudette ID'ed this as some sort of small Nautilus shell. Far be it for me to doubt, as she's much smarter than I am - but I'd like to take it a step further. Can anyone tell me what type of Nautilus, or point me to a good resource for reverse engineering shells and shell fragments like this one?
Its about 2" all the way around. If you need CM, do the math...
ScubaBoard hates PBase. Whatever. If you get the Red X of Death, just right click and select "show photograph" and it should show up. If not, just hit f5 to reload the page, and right click again.