We were ending our dive by going by the industrial dock in Newport, Oregon. Poor vis, so when I saw the line, it was too late. My buddy had seen it, but rather than warn me, just gave it a stupid stare without warning me!!! I've never wanted to be "hooked" so I was relieved to see that it was a small crab cage that collapses when reeled it. Well, this fisherman felt the tug on his line from my bumping into it and began reeling in. I hate entanglements around my tank valve!!!!!!!! - but that is where it was. I fought like crazy - bet I almost pulled the fisherman in - and somehow came loose. I then made a beeline to the shallows and came up as planned. The "fisherman" was a crewman from a NOAA tug who, between tending lines, decided to try for crabs. We gave each other a wave and that was it.