Had the full roto-router done and the septum chiseled off and relocated twice (1983 and 1991 or so) and a balloon plasty done once. All helped tremendously. I had the first procedure under local....Big mistake. The dreams for years afterward of the sound of the hammer and chisel as I told the doctor, "HEY I CAN FEEL THAT" to which he replied "It's ok we're almost done. The second time was general, much better. I will agree the first time they pulled out the gause (after I ate breakfast. Really? Pinch your nose closed and swallow. Ouch!. The next time they did not put the 6 plus feet of gause in just splints they told me to take out at home later...no big deal. But I do recommend the surgery. Just don't expect it to last forever. 10 to 15 years or so.