SINGLES: Who do you "prefer" diving with?

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1. Same buddy all the time?
Not usually, but I have a couple of regular buddies.
2. Male or female?
Doesn't matter to me - a diver's a diver.
3. Attractive or doesn't matter? (Hey I specifically put this in a "singles only" thread labeled as such so we could express our 'single oriented' opinions!)
Don't care - I'm not particularly attractive, so why should I care what the other person looks like? Besides, a mask, reg and drysuit cover up a lot of flaws;)
4. Married or Single?
Again - don't care. I don't dive to get hit on and don't hit on people I dive with. Diving with a married guy actually makes life easier - that's an automatic 3 strikes in my book:D
Or does it vary based upon the type of diving you do?
No, makes no difference
I guess I could really make it interesting by adding to it....Who do you "normally" dive with????
Whoever wants to dive with me. If no-one wants to dive with me, I dive anyway....
Whoever's up for diving that day, gender and marital status are irrelevant.

Most of my dive buddies are men and quite a few of them are married with wives that don't dive in cold water.
Well it depends on the type of dive shallow reef types it dosent really matter to me on the wrecks or caverns I really rather an experienced buddy. If it happens to be female that would be great but to date it has never been an option. Would make the SI more enjoyable
I have few dive buddies. Summer- usualy females, winter males as not many females are diving in wet suit under 15 degree C and I dont know any with dry suit.
Last 15 dives I did with female that I like very much and is also a great diver.
Personally I like diving with the most experienced diver I can find which happens to usually be men. I don't have a problem with this and I guess I prefer diving with guys although I have dove with a few gals before. And if all other things are equal...i.e. experience, skill, etc. then I'd prefer diving with a SINGLE guy vs. a married one. I hate to have the time of my life doing the thing I love most with someone really incredible...only to discover that my dive buddy has someone already! LOL!!!
Wreck Wench I'm with you!!! The best guys I have dived with are already spoken for. The ones that really suck (lose weight belt and didn't notice, almost lost BC) are younger then me and single.....I don't get it!!

I don't care who I dive with!! When I was in Brockville I had a great buddy!!! He was very good with me and knew I wasn't very expierenced. I mostly dive with men cause that's usually who's left to dive with!!

I'll dive with anyone cause I don't have a choice and as long as they don't mind diving with a 'whale' I'm happy!!
In the 6 1/2 months since I was certified I have dove with good buddies and bad. After dives I have begged to be taught a fraction of what my buddy showed under the water and I also asked one guy what box of Cracker Jacks he got his Cert. from.
I have dove with men and Women, both married and single.
As long as I am underwater I dont care. I would prefer a single woman that is a great diver with lots of money, but no one is beating down my door on that. ;) So I will take my chances and stay with the the core group that I dive with now.
My best dives have been with a married woman (Juls64), we get hooked up as her hubby is almost always with son, daughter, etc.
I guess that makes me safe, I have refrences here.
I like diving with single guys mostly and the better looking they are all the better for me...

My regular buddy is a guy, but that's because we have similar styles, work well together, and are the only two people we know that are crazy enough to beach dive California 3-4 nights a week!

Now, my dream buddy? A smart, diving playmate of the month, who likes sports, can challenge me at trivia, doesn't get offended at a double entendre, is secure enough to point out a hot chick to me, eats meat, drinks beer, owns a boat, and has a friend who will dive with my buddy, so we can all four go!

Interested parties please respond :D

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