Seems excessive for fresh water? but you are the expert I learned from.Dunk it in fresh water with all the ports open. Let it sit until you're sure it's flooded. Empty it from the LP side with an air gun applied to a LP port (remember - first stage valves are normally open when unpressurized). I'd do this first with a diaphragm reg, because pressurization of a fully flooded diaphragm can lock up. With a piston, starting from the LP side probably doesn't matter. But you want to empty the Intermediate Pressure chamber of a diaphragm reg before attaching to high pressure.
Then attach to a tank and dry the mechanism fully by wasting 1/4 tank of air.
Maybe repeat if you had any discoloration on a cloth placed in front of a LP port.
Keep an eye on IP in the months to come.
This is off the top of my head, since I'd be more inclined to disassemble the reg. But have I forgotten a key point that makes this a stupid idea?
To @Geo7 's question about salt water, seems ideal for some one who doesn't compulsively want to take apart any reg they can (like you or I would).