Dove the Fusion Bullet last Sunday at the Whites demo day in Monterey. Love the suit and the Bullet skin, the suits had the SI Tech quick neck seal changing system with silicone neck an wrist seals, I got to see them change out a seal.:cool2: (only because the silicone seal was to big on the diver, switched to latex)
After doning the suit my neck seal was tight but only simular to a new latex seal. My neck size is 17.5 in. so I'm not in the Hulk size. After 20 mins under, my neck started to burn and at the end of the dive I had the hung red ring look going. Thank GOD that dissappered the next day. The wrist seals, like heaven, hardly even felt them.
So my questions are;
1.)Will the silcone seal stretch over time or should one pre-stretch like latex?
2.)Has anyone used a lubricant prior to diving?
and C.)Trimming is an option, has anyone actually had to trim one?
Please Help!
I read the bolded phrase above to mean that the seal was switched FROM silicone TO latex. Is this incorrect?