Digger --Majored in Vertebrate Zoology,
Minor in Chemistry -- so I guess I'm an old minor chemist. The physics of it, I can handle, just needed info on the application.
Chem Minor...well, now we are talking! As the Aussies are fond of saying, "Good on you, Mate!" And now I know where to go for my fish anatomy questions!
Okay, here is the deal...and I will try to avoid as much technojargon/baffle-them-with-bs as possible.
It all has to do with what are called
heat transfer coefficients...that is how effective a material is at transferring heat. Metal is very good, fiberglass home insulation is bad. And now the key: glass is good at transferring heat....plexiglass is NOT good at it.
The effect of where you close your housing: if the dewpoint (temp at which the water vapor in the air condenses to liquid water) of that air that is trapped in your housing is key If that dewpoint is the temp of the water in which you are diving, you COULD get condensation.
The effect of camera heating: if you have liquid water--usually it will be a very thin film that you cannot see--the heat generated when electrical current flows can vaporize the water. If the air in you camera is near the dewpoint, this can put it past the dewpoint, causing condensation. One more thing...digital cameras use more electricity that their film counterparts and that is one reason why this would only rarely happen on a film camera.
Now one more fact that may not be obvious...
things get colder by losing heat, not gaining cold. Thus, heat is what moves, not cold.
For plastic housings like the Ikelite, the heat moves through the glass preferentially, cooling it preferentially...i.e., the glass temp is lower than the plastic temp and, whoopee, condensation if it is at the dewpoint. for metal housings, the temp is more or less uniform and a cold spot is not preferentially on the glass.
So, according to the good souls I chatted with, dessicant is a good idea...which, thanks to Digger's persistance and patience--not to mention Howard's, Dennis' and the rest of the Gang--we all now know.
And, once more, I want to thank all of you for engaging in a darn interesting thread...and being so darn nice to whole time...inspite of my slow learning process.