Signature Size

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I think I'm make mine longer... maybe add a half-dozen smilies or so...

Of all the stupid things to worry about... :rolleyes:

Oh I've seen you worry about much less things.
Such as?

On second thought... you don't need to answer that! ;)
I think its Signature envy... hehehehe...
Here is an example

The graphic in that sig has a verticle size of 85 pixels. Assuming a 10 point font thats the equivilant of about 8 lines. Then add in 3 lines of text and 3 lines of double spacing and you get a signature thats about 14 lines long. Add the formating around each message and add in this guy posting a couple times in a row and the next thing you know your looking long and hard for an actual message.

...Then don't read his posts! I liked his graphic and even if I didn't, who cares??????????????? Really, I don't mean to be antagonistic, but to just ask a rhetorical question, in the bigger scheme of things why is it even important? Next thing we'll see is moderators being sworn in as happy face police... :sarcasm:

PS I just tried to edit my signature and got an error message...seems its two characters over the allotted 200...guess no one will have to worry about policing my pixels...

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