Sidemount diving in North East waters?

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I don't know about NY, NJ but here in RI where I'm an active diver, I've yet to see a SM diver. Our LDS had a SM day with a Rep one Sunday last summer counting me 4 people showed up. I wasn't overly impressed with the SM experience. There are definite advantages to SM and its understandable why people like it; but for me, I can't find enough reasons to spend money on a SM rig having just bought a B/P wing 3 years ago. When purchasing it, it was with the thought it was probably going to be the last BC device I'll ever buy, that hasn't changed.

Who ran the SM clinic? Most people I talk to that are against SM are so because of a bad rep/instructor/mentor (whether that be someone else, or the divers themselves that think they know better). I was on the verge of swearing off SM and possibly diving altogether when I took a class with a GOOD instructor that got me set up right. That was night-and-day different.
I don't know about NY, NJ but here in RI where I'm an active diver, I've yet to see a SM diver. Our LDS had a SM day with a Rep one Sunday last summer counting me 4 people showed up. I wasn't overly impressed with the SM experience. There are definite advantages to SM and its understandable why people like it; but for me, I can't find enough reasons to spend money on a SM rig having just bought a B/P wing 3 years ago. When purchasing it, it was with the thought it was probably going to be the last BC device I'll ever buy, that hasn't changed.

OPEN INVITE... next SM clinic I run at Dutch Springs, you can be my guest. Not saying that your decision to stay backmount is the wrong one for you; just that I suspect you have not experienced SM properly... And not trying to put a sales rep down, but they are a sales rep... I teach this **** for a living. Don't have a shop to run, don't have an area to cover, don't have inventory to shift. I teach and I am inclined to believe there's an order of magnitude difference.
I don't think he is against sidemount, it just wasn't justifiable to make the switch for him. I get that.

Sidemount doesn't make everything easier or better, it's a different configuration, a tool. And at times not the best tool for every job.

Don't get me wrong, I love diving sidemount and teaching in it and teaching it but sometimes a jacket style bcd can be just as fun.
Hello all. New member and it is my first post. I have 200 dives so far. Almost all in the Carribean. (10 off NY coast (13 years ago.))
Very comfortable in the water. I mostly dive without wetsuit with 3kg/7Lbs weight.

Congrats on the 200 dives and the comfort, keep in mind that if you are going to commit to dive sidemount, you need to get bottom time in. If you are going to do this, you will end up diving dry. Whether you dive dry or wet to start, there will be a learning curve getting use to the SM and diving in our local environment.

Also, I would like to start boat diving again in NY/NJ area.
My question:Do people dive sidemount here?


If so, are there difficulties getting on/off the boat?
Yes, there can be! Most people that struggle on the boats, it's because they don't spend enough time at Dutch Spring working on skill. They go right to the boats and are a mess. Combind rough seas, not going to Dutch and it's 10x worse!

I am also not sure sidemount is useful in the resort area diving, as you are/bottom time always limited by your instructor/group.
Basically, before I spend money on certification/new gear, I would like to know if sidemount makes sense int these waters.

More and more places are letting you! Some people SM on single tank. I like to use two tanks and like the redundancy.

If you have a car and want to make the trip, I am in NJ and have a pool at our shop. We can set up a little SM Clinic this winter, if you want.
Thanks for your replies everybody.
I contacted two dive shops and went in person to the third one to inquire about the SM class.
Surprisingly, only one DS called back (maybe it is holidays) and it was Wayne from DiveSeekers/ScubaConnection.
So we met and I had a very informative class/pool/lecture/demo.
Since my goal was to start diving NE waters,- he described and showed every possible gear configuration and its cons and pros.
In the pool I was practicing turns/frog kick/air donation with new to me BP wing set up and pony sling.
I think he went above and beyond to make sure I make an educated decision about SM vs doubles vs BM single.
In the end I bought BP wing with an idea to dive single tank with 40 pony sling and get some experience in local waters, and then I will be in the
better position to choose SM or doubles.
I cannot wait to go back there for dry suit class.
Of course now I need whole bunch of new gear as well.
Wayne is a really nice guy and seems like he steered you right for what you are looking for.

If you are looking to do some local NY diving let me know. I'll show you some shore dive spots out here in Long Island.
While still relatively new, there are many sidemount divers on Long Island - several of the shops offer the basic and Tec sidemount classes - diving both at Dutch Springs and on the coast. Most carry the gear now as standard. Check out the LIDA site for the shops and local boats (

I know Scuba Network in Nassau county usually does the ow part of the class at Dutch - and either Martha Katz (shop owner) or Joe Stellini - the regional Hollis rep- teaches it. The gear is available at SN, Seascapes, port diver and Long Island scuba.

Sidemount comes in handy if you are doing wreck dives, the USS San Diego is a good example, as the southern deck penetration isn't a huge opening.... I think More Islanders will start diving sidemount now that shoos are really starting to carry the gear.

As for dive boats.... The Tempest dive boat from East coast Wreck Divers and Dan Berg's the Aqua Explorer are both sidemount friendly- no issues there... I'd imagine garloo and Wahoo are as well.

I think in manhattan, Jim at Pan Aqua (pre his wrist injury) taught it as well. And Captain Mike in the Bronx offered it last season.

BTW he's also doing the Lake George Ice dive again the first weekend of March....well suited for sidemount diving!

Hope this helps.


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---------- Post added December 18th, 2013 at 11:35 PM ----------

Also, just a thought...

If you are looking to evolve into sidemount or Tek diving- check out the Hollis SMS 100d... It is configurable to doubles and single back mount as well as true sidemount.

If you are gonna spend $$$ why not get an upgradeable kit?

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Shameless plug... Danny with Good Life Divers also teaches a Sidemount course on the island.

Shameless plug over.
Thanks for your replies everybody.

I contacted two dive shops and went in person to the third one to inquire about the SM class.
Surprisingly, only one DS called back (maybe it is holidays) and it was Wayne from DiveSeekers/ScubaConnection.
So we met and I had a very informative class/pool/lecture/demo.
Since my goal was to start diving NE waters,- he described and showed every possible gear configuration and its cons and pros.
In the pool I was practicing turns/frog kick/air donation with new to me BP wing set up and pony sling.
I think he went above and beyond to make sure I make an educated decision about SM vs doubles vs BM single.
In the end I bought BP wing with an idea to dive single tank with 40 pony sling and get some experience in local waters, and then I will be in the
better position to choose SM or doubles.
I cannot wait to go back there for dry suit class.
Of course now I need whole bunch of new gear as well.

All right. Pretty quick response.
I will take the class in Yonkers.
Thank you.
Did you call Yonkers? If you did and there was a problem I really would appreciate a little bit of feed back so that we can improve.
If they failed to get back to you or dropped the ball some other way please let me know. Hope all goes well at Dive Seekers, I am sure it will.
Did you call Yonkers? If you did and there was a problem I really would appreciate a little bit of feed back so that we can improve.
If they failed to get back to you or dropped the ball some other way please let me know. Hope all goes well at Dive Seekers, I am sure it will.

I called the store and was told that J... would call back.
Waited for couple of days and went in person to drop a regulator for service (old Dacor) and inquired again about SM.
Do not want anyone to get in trouble
These things happen.
Happy holidays everyone.

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