Short Coz dive report

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Scuba Instructor
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North Texas
# of dives
500 - 999
This is going to be a short report.

I'll start with the bummer, I came home very sick. I drank bottled water all weekend too. I have an idea where it came from, but I can't prove it so I won't say.

DM Raoul, Cap't Mago, and Christi (owner) of Blue XT Sea were awesome people. Very friendly folk, very accomodating, and fun to be with. Nice 6 pack boat with twin 75's scooted along at a nice pace. Canopy to keep the sun off, but unfortunately no head. No biggie to me.

Dive sites in order... Palancar Caves, Las Palmas, Paradise (Night).

Columbia Deep, Paso De Cedral, Chankaanab Reef (Night)

Punta Sur Cathedral, Delila.

Turtles, Green and spotted morays, one nurse shark, huge King crabs, huge spiny lobster, I found an Octopus during a day dive, and saw one at night.

I couldn't ask for better service either on the boat or through E-mail. Responses are quick and informative. No additional cost to dive Punta Sur.

A great time was had by all.

Catch22 and Seahunt are diving with them this week as well.

Thanks Christi, we will see you again.

TwoBit (Tom)
Tom - sorry to hear you got sick. Sounds like a good trip otherwise. We leave 8 weeks from today for a 9 day stay - so your report has me chomping at the bit to get there. Can't happen soon enough for me. Lake Travis is starting to cool down rather fast lately, so don't know how much longer we'll be able to dive. Not eqipted for the cold water stuff.

A recommendation from a friends doctor that goes to Mexico frequently, is to take Pepto every day for 7 days before you go. Says he then eats anything while there and has never had problems - something to do with coating your stomach. I did it last trip, but was still fairly careful with food & drink, and had no problems. I figure it can't hurt, and it just might help!!

Anyway - hope your feeling better soon!

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