@Scuba Lawyer "
'I still dive "Sam's Reef" off the south end of Wood's Cove. It's a long swim off the beach but still a fantastic 75-85 foot dive with walls, canyons, huge gorgonians, etc... I'm sure it's no longer the "secret" reef it used to be. Sam "forced" me to dive it in the late 70s and I pulled a 10 pound bug off it on that first dive.

I love that reef - It was my UW Stater Bros, Albertsons & Safeway -Always productive for sea food,
It is apparent you are a local "Sam's reef " was what it was called by my friends. When Dale Schlecker of CDN was preparing his guide book he questioned me about the WW 11 airplane that had crashed in the shore line a Woods Cove I messed up and mentioned the reef -- he gave it the name Millers reef - on Page 56 of his Dive guide.
which was stated "Too far a swim for the average diver"
-- Any reef over a yard from shore and deeper than water they can wade in is just too much for the modern diver~~
@Scuba Lawyer
I only recall one of each: Scotsman's Cove and Giant Black Sea Bass.
Another "SIGAR" (even though you don't smoke )
Scotsman's cove
Was also known as "Shangri-La" according to some.
I suspect it might have been named after the supposed take off point of Doolittle's WW11 Tokyo to raiders which President Roosevelt proclaimed "the planes took off from Shangri-La"
Or from the WW11 Movie "Lost Horizons" - which Shangri-La was a land of peace and perpetual youth
( I wouldn't mind moving there !)
Then there is the "horse pastures" where all those horses were stabled - right on a million dollar beach !
Giant Back Sea Bass-- I have difficulty with Giant still want to use the word Black
Jack Dudley of the "Laguna snorkelers club"-- 450 pounds- Memorial day 1960
Jack was on a early morning dive with his son -- saw the fish. Had a gun in hand but no terminal gear They got out of the water, drove back to Laguna Beach rigged his gun, drove back to Scotsman's. He and his son hunted and was ready to call it a day when his son saw the fishes tail -- Jack took a guest a mate shot which was a solid stick and the battle was on...He got it through the surf high and dry -- new BSB WR!
Jack was very active in the early days of diving- he was also an artist. He painted "The night dive' which was used as a cover for SDM - Jack has passed on but his son and Sam IV knew each other
Omar Wood - White Sea Bass- 70 + to 72 comes to mind
During the lovely summer months O would stop by Scotsman for a early morning sunrise dip always with his gun.
One morning he speared a huge WSB - took it to the Aquatic Center weighed it -- A new WR !
O obtained all the certificates to register as a WR but O got busy at the AC
Before he could submit his WR had been broken and registered by a diver from LA
Omar moved to Escalante Utah in the spring and summer and back to SoCal in winter, We remained in contact for years - a year or so ago all his telephone numbers had been disconnected with no new numbers
Just a little history...now you know
It be a spear fishing WR it must have been speared via breath hold diving aka free diving
Now to begin my day
Sam Miller, 111