What you may not realize is that if a store doesnt carry a brand they cant get authorized to service it. We would love to bring people in for service but we can only service the brands we sell. The online stores have prices we cant touch and the manufacturers dont help much either. They squeeze us from the other end. ScubaPro for instance has such a ridicules first time order and annual minimums we cant go near it. Aqualung is the same but not as bad. I have negotiated with them extensively to no avail. We cant get on as dealers and we cant service their stuff. Then there are the brands that are big in mail order or online, we cant compete with the online stores so it makes no sense to start with the line. Therefore we cant service them either. Soon the online stores will be forced to provide those services also. Their prices will go up when they have to pay a technician. The little guys may get forced out. But it will not be due to attitude. And much of the complaints I read about the ldss are not lds attitude but the result of what the manufacturers dictate. I would love to service your SP reg but I wont because I cant. Your criticisms should be directed toward the manufacturers along with the lds.
What you may not realize is that if a store doesnt carry a brand they cant get authorized to service it. We would love to bring people in for service but we can only service the brands we sell. The online stores have prices we cant touch and the manufacturers dont help much either. They squeeze us from the other end. ScubaPro for instance has such a ridicules first time order and annual minimums we cant go near it. Aqualung is the same but not as bad. I have negotiated with them extensively to no avail. We cant get on as dealers and we cant service their stuff. Then there are the brands that are big in mail order or online, we cant compete with the online stores so it makes no sense to start with the line. Therefore we cant service them either. Soon the online stores will be forced to provide those services also. Their prices will go up when they have to pay a technician. The little guys may get forced out. But it will not be due to attitude. And much of the complaints I read about the ldss are not lds attitude but the result of what the manufacturers dictate. I would love to service your SP reg but I wont because I cant. Your criticisms should be directed toward the manufacturers along with the lds.