The hubby and I have spent very close to $7,000 on scuba classes and gear since we took up the hobby in June 2000. I feel this is a large sum of money and we have been mostly pleased with everything we have bought.
We have ever shopped on the internet or through mass mechandisers. Have always patronized three LDS in our area.
All that said let me tell you a little about our experience. We did a discover scuba in Cancun in April 2000 and loved it. We knew immediately that we were hooked but did not have enough time left on that trip to get OW certified. As soon as we got back to Kansas City, my husband decided to research local dive shops for our OW certification. There are 6 dive shops in the greater KC area and he found a nice employee at one that was extremely helpful and really sold us on doing our OW certification and dives locally instead of getting a referral and going to blue water for our OW dives. The nice employee was a DM and not an instructor so we took his advice and signed up for the first 6 week class (every Sunday for 6 weeks) that was offered. We did our OW class in June and July 2000. The weekend before our OW dives, we went in and bought all the gear that we had found that we were happy with after testing out various regs and BCD's in the pool. We plunked down about $4,000 before our OW dives. All is going along great. Good instructor, good dive shop, all is well.
Over the winter our friendly little LDS was sold to another owner. We never really knew the first owner. We knew the nice employee who had helped us find a good instructor and let us try several different sets of gear and we made a big purchase as a result. New owner wanted to do things his own way so nice employee that we liked decided to move south and be a DM on a live-aboard. Good for him. We didn't think anything less of new owner and started coming to the shop for our tank fills and minor accessories. We already had all our big ticket items but we enjoyed the atmosphere at the shop and thought that it would be the same.
Well new owner if very sales vs. service oriented. He makes several snide comments to my husband and I about our lack of big ticket purchases since he became the owner. I start to feel a little bad and so when my husband mentioned he wanted a Citizen Hyper Aqualand watch I decided to order this from our LDS for his birthday. I call the shop and talk to the college kid who works there on the weekends and he says that they are not a Citizen dealer but he thinks they can still get it for me. I told him that would be great and asked him to get me a price. He comes back with $310 which was compariable to what I had seen in Divers Direct so I have him order.
I go to LDS over lunch one day to pick up the watch (Sept 2001)and the owner is the only one there. He makes sure to tell me while I am paying that I am getting the watch at his cost and that it isn't customary for him to even sell these watches since he isn't a Citizen dealer.
I think that was the last dollar I spent in his shop. My husband still goes there because he is now a DM and he enjoys teaching with our OW instructor who only teaches out of that shop. We still really like the college kid who works there on Saturdays and if we do have to buy anything from there try to do it then when the owner is not there.
I have decided that I am treating this LDS like I would any other merchant. Like a place to buy goods and services because he was not treating me like a valued customer who had done a considerable amount of business with that shop before he was the owner and would have continued to do so when gear needed to be replaced if he had just been interested in waiting until I needed more or replacement gear.
We have started spreading our purchases out over two other LDS' in order to build a relationship and see where we get the best service. I guess my bottom line comment is that loyalty can only go so far.
