Shooting at senior frogs

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The good news is that it wasn't aimed at a tourist or diver. It was just two rival gangs fighting for drug sale turf.

Balacera was between narcomenudistas

COZUMEL, March 27 .- The bullet against an individual outside the "Señor Frog's" bar would be linked to narcomenudeo, to drive away a vendor who was treading on Maseros territory.
Minutes after three o'clock Sunday morning, police corps took control of Rafael E. Melgar between 7 and 11 before shots fired by a stranger against a male person, from the state of Tamaulipas.
It transpired unofficially that the attack would have occurred against an individual trying to penetrate the sale of drugs in that area of the center, and it would be the group of "maseros" that would be linked to not allow intruders to enter their territory to sell enervantes .
The injured had a bullet impact on the left leg of entry and exit, plus a bump on the head, was fortunate not to be executed.
Just the previous week, a block from the "Maseros" base on Adolfo Rosado Salas Street, between 55 and 50 of the colony Adolfo López Mateos, gave the report of a subject selling drugs without being part of this group Nacomenudista in apparent act of provocation and since then the possibility of a fight with firearms for fighting the territory was perceived.
It is noteworthy that this area near the post office where this bar is located is controlled by the Maseros, with shooters available to sell drugs to tourists.
The police were ventilated, according to data obtained in inquiries,
The attack was in retaliation as a measure of warning, to that he obeyed that the injured simply did not denounce the attack that could have taken his life, considered it better not to report to the Public Prosecutor of the Common Jurisdiction. The official version issued by the Ministerial Police minimizes Made based on an alleged lawsuit of a parishioner who invited a woman to dance, but her boyfriend got angry and it led to a lawsuit outside the mentioned bar, where according to the offended boyfriend took a weapon that seemed to him as a toy to the injured and He was encouraged to remove it by following the detonations.
As always happens, the person responsible was not detained and there are high probabilities that he is not detained for not having flagrante delicto, hardly two subjects were arrested to appear that the ministerial and municipal police work.
What remained in evidence is the lack of security in the bar, where these two people were. According to what was handled by the police, the subject that operated the firearm was inside the same premises and when exiting shot against its opponent, understanding that entered with a firearm to the local, that at that hour had diners between these several foreign tourists.
The one that happened a bullet that could have injured some person or tourist also happened because there is no vigilance of the municipal police in that zone, and nor fear to the authorities the narcomenudistas that occurred almost in front of the building of the Sector Naval The subject that operated the firearm was inside the same premises and when exiting shot against its opponent, understanding that entered with a firearm to the local, that at that hour had diners between these several foreign tourists.
I thought it was the motos that were the danger in Coz. You mean it's the drugs and the bars? Of course it could be the ventilated cops.
Yes, I too enjoyed the comment about the ventilated police and of course, the flagrant dilecto couple. That said, the story/events still sounds pretty serious and quite concerning.
It is quite concerning. It seems that at least once a year I hear a story that could happen on any given week night in Austin and Austin isn't exactly viewed as a dangerous city by US standards. I'll worry more when they start invading the condos or hijacking the dive boats. OK that sounds a bit dickish but I'll leave it for the comedic value.
and of course, the flagrant dilecto couple

The weird machine translation is actually not far from being pretty close to almost nearly sort of good here, in an approximate kind of way.

It didn't refer in any way to a "flagrant dilecto" couple. It said it was likely that the suspected perpetrator wasn't detained "for not having [been caught] flagrante delicto".

"Flagrante delicto" means "while the crime is blazing". In modern English, that'd be "red-handed" or "in the act".

Amplexus is a risk at any age.

This earns this year's Kermit Award for best use of frog-related obscure yet oddly pertinent terminology on a diving-related message board.
The good news is that it wasn't aimed at a tourist or diver. It was just two rival gangs fighting for drug sale turf.
And you know whose fault that is, don't you? I would hazard a guess that their customers are mostly not locals.

I would like to request to everyone that however you feel about the consumption of illicit substances, you give it a rest when you go to Cozumel. If the market is not there the dealers will focus their attention elsewhere and the streets will be safer for everyone. An added benefit is that you won't have the opportunity to see firsthand what a Mexican jail is like.
Every time I walk towards Mega from town, either right in front of where the hot dog stand sets up or just north of SR Frogs I always get hit up. They start with "you want Cuban's?" then when I say no gracious, they ask if I want other things..... I always keep walking and have never had any issues. Didn't realize that was someone's "turf".
Gun I agree with you, no buyers = no sellers.
"Minutes after three o'clock Sunday morning..."

What did our parents tell us? "NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS AFTER MIDNIGHT!".

For the youth... If you haven't hooked up and headed back by midnight with your score there's always tomorrow. For us older folks who dive, if I ever made it to midnight these days there is no way in heck I could dive the next day and would probably be feeling the effects of that late night for more than a day!

It is spring break and I assume Cozumel has it's share of kids with $ and interest in drugs... Where the kids and $ are the demand is and the supply will show up. When the kids are gone and the $ is gone and it's just us cheap divers left, the suppliers leave. However, with all the cruise ships now pouring in I wonder if tapping that party cruise crowd year round hasn't created an established a supply system regardless of the risk of supplying an island.

Something tells me we'll see a significant increase in Police presence (which had tailed off over the past 10 years) following this event.
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