So... this begs the question (please realize I am a novice diver and know nothing about everything! ) I realize we are talking about a huge number... but this goes back to what can one person do and does it make a difference? I believe it does! The major concern in the article seems to be cost.. and I agree they need to do something... however in the meantime... is this not something that divers could assist in? It seems that many of the tires are no longer tied down en mass. So could there not be a 'recycling program' at the docks? For every tire a boat brings in you get $10 (much less than the prices quoted in the article) or Something. I am sure there are divers who would be willing to take a lift bag and upload a tire or two on their way....archman:As for tires, that was considered a swell idea... in the 1970's. There's a massive "reef" of the stuff of the coast of Fort Lauderdale, 2 million tires strong. Years of study have ascertained that tires stink as artifical reefs, for various reasons. Here's a cutesy synopsis I googled up.
Or am I just naive, idealistic and basically stupid???
Oh well, here's to doing your part... one tire at a time.