Good approach, so here's my two cents. I'm no expert by any means, but I also used to have DMs hand me octos (the animal kind mostly

), and I will admit to handling one once, when I also had less than 50 dives. Most recently, in Coz a DM inflated a puffer and turned to me. I turned away, and when we surfaced talked to the dive op about it.
By taking the octo, and then having your picture taken with it, and then posting it on the web, you have done three things.
1. You've reinforced to the DM or your buddy that their guests/buddies like having animals handed to them
2. Having your pic taken reinforces #1.
3. Posting it on the web tells other divers it's OK to do.
Just because YOU didn't remove the octo from its lair does not make YOUR handling of it and then posting the pic on the web OK. YOU still played a part in the harassment. And if the octo inked during the process, you may have endangered it as it uses ink for defense and, AFAIK, has to regenerate ink once spewed.
Anyway, you profess a desire to learn. That's great, but I agree with jdog, you gotta admit that you goofed yourself and you are in fact willing to learn from it.
Just my .02.