Hi all, my Shearwater Teric goes into DECO on first dive (max depth 25.9m, avg depth 17.6, duration 48mins). Isit acting normal?
OK I have come across divers who buy a DC then do not know how it works or what settings are being used. It is good you posted your thread hope we can all help you.
The malfunction is the user not the DC and the operator not knowing how it works. You need to study up on your GF Settings Surf GF and other functions Shearwater has. Download the user manual and read it several times. Look on SB for discussions on Gradient Factors and Surf GF.
I was diving in June and a woman complained to her guide and my guide that I must have gone into Deco as her Peregrine was showing 1 minute to NDL and I was deeper and stayed longer. When I asked her what GF settings her Shearwater was on she gave me that blank look of this does not compute what settings? After showing her settings and explaining why I have longer NDL times she asked would I change her settings. I said to her its your DC, follow what I say and let her change the settings herself. She changed to the 45/95 setting as she wanted longer NDL times not just on 21% but also on nitrox.
My Shearwater is set at GF 45/95 and hers was on default with a more conservative setting. I showed her on her Peregrine where to change settings. She had no clue but had owned the Peregrine for some time.
Here is a log of mine on 21% air. Second dive of the morning. 29th of 30 dives in 10 days. At the end of the dive I saw a nice frog fish so I looked at my DC. I only needed to descend a couple of meters but I pushed to zero NDL. I wanted to squeeze in some photos and I did. I am deco trained. The average depth on this dive was 15.7m
My guide and another diver with no DC was at less than 10m depth because my guides Suunto cannot match my Shearwater for NDL.
This is fine, I do not rely on a guide for my dives and he did 27 dives with me took one day off.
Scubaboard is a great resource for learning from the masters here. I am not a master just a recreational diver who understand what my Perdix is telling me. I spent many hours learning about Gradient Factors, Surf GF, GF99, using my Perdix to plan dives.
Another good thing is that if you noted your starting and ending pressure, know you tank size, the software will calculate your RMV or Sac rate for you. Then you can average your gas consumption over say a dive trip or for all your dives.