She had a gleam in her eye

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I'd say we can use Webster's definition (1):

Main Entry: mo·lest
Pronunciation: m&-'lest
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French molester, from Latin molestare, from molestus burdensome, annoying; akin to Latin moles mass
1 : to annoy, disturb, or persecute especially with hostile intent or injurious effect
2 : to make annoying sexual advances to; especially : to force physical and usually sexual contact on
- mo·les·ta·tion /"mO-"les-'tA-sh&n, "mä-, -l&s-/ noun
- mo·lest·er /m&-'les-t&r/ noun
I KNEW he was a pervert! Damn canadians! LOL
Al Mialkovsky:
Has Hawaii ever defined exactly what is the molesting of a turtle? I mean exactly?

I feel very certain that harrasment is defined as anything intentional that causes the turtle to alter it's behavior. That means touching, chasing, rubbing, 'cleaning', even removing hooks and lines. The DLNR is VERY forgiving, especially if your intentions were good (you'd be ok removing hooks or lines). Personally I've caught turtles that were trapped in nets or by large ammounts of fishing line and brought them to shore where I had a vet from turtle strandings meet me, and that was not really a problem (though I suppose if the cg had boarded me en route to the dock there might have been a problem). Since turtles are an endangered species all actions regarding them are found in the endangered speciecs act (I think turtles are jointly managed by NOAA and FISH AND WILDLIFE).
OK, so how does one hold a turtle and get it to shore? I get my butt kicked everytime. I usualy get some of the line off them then they run.... Did anyone see KrisB trying to put a turtle into bondage? That would explain some of the line.
OK, so how does one hold a turtle and get it to shore? I get my butt kicked everytime. I usualy get some of the line off them then they run.... Did anyone see KrisB trying to put a turtle into bondage? That would explain some of the line.
Hahaha! How many times do I have to say it? "That's not my bag!" :D

Now, Wildcard on the other hand... you seem to be someone who enjoys putting himself into potentially "awkward" situations! :D
Only of it's fun....
See this is the problem with the law. It's all opinions here isntead of something written down. Websters dictionary is a wonderful book but it's not a legal book. I've seen a guy ride at turtle, pick up a turtle, flip a turtle over and that is obviously (at least to me) molesting a turtle. Is massaging their neck and watching them close their eyes almost like a dog molesting? I've seen that done and didn't consider it molestation but I'm sure others would.

Needs to be defined doesn't it.
There is an exact defiinition of harassing turtles, look in the endangered species act. Hawaii could have a stricter definition, but probably not. Anything described by Al could be considered molesting. It's really up to the enforcer. In general enforcement officers are allowed a broad descretion about when to take action. Around here their actions are generally limited to warnings. If DOCARE wanted to they could go totally sickhouse on people, but they don't. Even repeat offenders get warnings. Once I saw a DOCARE officer at a MLCD tell someone getting out of the water with spears and fish that in the future they could not fish there (it's only been off limits for 5 or 6 years now...) and that was it. Both people knew the law had been broken, yet the enforcement agent took no action.
Here's a note though: if as a result of your tip, DOCARE prosicutes someone and recieves a fine, you get 1/2. Fines for molesting endangered animals run from $100 to $10,000. So take pictures.
LT from your link
For all animal species listed as endangered, it is illegal to kill, hunt, collect, injure or harass them

No further explanation offered.

According to the Office of Protected Resources the Green Sea Turtle is not endangered but threatened. Which means it may or may not be placed on the endangered list one day.

I have no idea what Hawaii's laws are in this area.

Again I wish the law for endangered or threatened species would be more concise what exactly harrassing is, don't you?

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