I do not mean to start the argument up again but one thing....Skipper, how can you say that tournaments are not to be considered a problem. It is obvious that commercial long lining is doing worst things to sharks that tournaments. My thing is this.... who cares? They're still killing sharks. No matter if it's even one shark, it's still one less shark. I sent emails to Quiznos and Disney advising them of my intentions to Boycott them.
I see your point but would you extend your argument to fishing in general? That is my point of view. For me at least, the fact that it is a tournament is inconsequential. If I fish and I take a fish, I do so to eat it. If along the way I weigh it & possibly win a contest, so be it.
Remember, shark fishing is heavily controlled. Only 1 shark allowed per vessel per day of any species. The species are very limited (no endangered sharks such as the short-fin Mako or the Great White or Dusky) and the size too must meet minimum requirements.
(Personally I am of the opinion that sharks without bladders should be restricted as well as I would never take such a shark as I do not consider them edible.)
But the resource can easily sustain such fishing and has for many years. Tournaments are very well covered by the media and this makes people take notice. But for me a tournament is just another day of fishing (if I participate-and this year I decided not to for personal reasons).
Anyway, back to my point. What about bluefish? What about Fluke? Blackfish or tautog? Why don't people get upset about them? Why sharks?
I feel it is ok to harvest from the oceans if it is going to be eaten. Fish recreationally caught taste better. The fish is better cared for. On my boat anything destined for the table get cleaned properly then iced. Even sharks will be properly treated. On commercial vessels the catch is often crushed in the nets, then crushed again in the ships hold with inadequate cooling. I have seen a commercial vessel dump a boat-load of fish a mile off shore because the refrigeration failed and the tons of fish they had spoiled. The line of dead fish went on for miles...
Sharks are fish. Fish are good to eat. Tasty and good for you too. As long as it is done responsibly and for the right reasons, I do not see a problem with it.
I know my opinion isn't popular here, but I am sure some share it. I fish along side dive boats often who are coming up with lobster, tautog and other fish. I don't see a difference.
And I apologize in advance to anyone who may be offended by my actions. It is not my intention to offend or change anyone point of view. I am simply expressing my own (and it seems defending myself).