May I please clarify the story of Roy Tanaka, I am his daughter and would like to set the record straight. Tom Winters version is incorrect and very misleading! My father was night diving with some friends but he was in the water already, and had been in for a while, when the boat capsized. The driver of the boat hung on till the divers surfaced and realized what had happened. My dad never surfaced. One of the guys dove to my dad's light only to find his light, all his scuba gear including his mask and spear. They thought he somehow swam to shore. Since they were on the military side of waters, the military did a full search of sea and shore (this happened around 8:00pm on 2/17/1990. They were unable to locate my dad and put a floater in the water. The next day, following the floater - which floated many miles away, they spotted him with 2 tiger sharks (of course he was already gone, but one arm was already missing). By the time they launched the boat to retrieve his body, there wasn't much left. So to sum things up, he was not killed by a shark, or his arm ripped off while he was alive, we believe it was some kind of heart problem (he was having problems prior).