I would think that Tiger Sharks and Hammerheads in Cozumel would be pretty rare occurrences, and typically limited to the deep dive sites - maybe Santa Rosa Wall, Punta Sur. These are pelagic species which typically inhabit open ocean. Nurse Sharks, Black Tip Reef Sharks, Grey Reef Sharks, and the occasional Bull Shark would be much more common, as all like shallow waters and are known to hunt on reefs and sandy bottoms. I've never seen one in Cozumel, but I understand that Bull Sharks are commonly sighted off the Yucatan coast, from Cancun to Playa del Carmen and south. I haven't yet spotted any Grey Reef Sharks, but I've seen quite a few Nurse Sharks over the years, and several Black Tip Reef Sharks, usually juveniles in groups of 3-6, over the past 3 years at the south end of Palancar (Palancar Caves and Palancar Bricks).