Not to alarm anyone but in honor of shark week, my "shark week" addicted husband was researching shark attacks and found 3 recorded fatal attacks on divers in Cozumel. One was on June 11, 1993 when a 42 year old Dallas female was killed on Santa Rosa Shallows. The other 2 were on the same day, August 15, 1997 when a 33 year old and a 28 year old male diver, both from North Carolina, were both killed while diving Santa Rosa. All 3 incidents were reported to be Tiger Shark attacks. The 2 men killed on Santa Rosa were reported as an attack by a 17' Tiger. Source of information for these attacks is
How to search GSAF data.
My question is does anyone have any "better" information on these documented attacks? We have been diving Cozumel since 1981 and other than Nurse Sharks, I saw a couple of Blacktips while diving but did not get a photo. On shark week the other night they interviewed the Canadian woman who was attacked in Cancun a while back. The attack was though to be by a Bull Shark yet the lady said she thought it was a Tiger.
With the millions of divers in Cozumel over the years, ones chances of winning the lotto is better than a shark attack. I just thought this was interesting and besides, I'll bet the title got everyone's attention.