Well, looks like I might actually make a decision any day now about some training. It's narrowed down to 2 different instructors/agencies in the Seattle area. Since I'm coming from far, far away, I will need to secure a place to sleep and shower while I'm there. Since I would rather spend my limited funds for underwater rather than above water stuff, I need reccomendations for the cheapest place in town that does not rent rooms by the hour (i.e. not too scary of a neighborhood:wacko: ) I thought of a hostel, but being a firefighter - I'm well aquainted with dorm type situations and the associated noise and smells that lead to sleep deprivation (i.e. snoring and flatulance:boom: ). I would rather sleep in a tent (which is a viable option, as long as there is a shower available nearby). So anyhow, anyone know of the cheapo motels in the area? The 'net mostly has the ones with bigger advertising budgets...