Suggestion Search results text colour/color

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON. CAN
# of dives
500 - 999
Just a quick note/suggestion. When using the search feature and then viewing the returned threads, why is the "highlighted" text in the threads bold grey? Could it not be a more contrasting colour please?

If it matters, I am using the forum default skin/theme.
I could, but I am lazy.

Step 1 - search for the following --> note/suggestion

Step 2 - scroll down resulting threads until you see this one entitled "Search results text colour/color"

Step 3 - click on that thread to read it. You should see in my OP that the words note/suggestion are highlighted but it is very hard to notice.

I am suggesting an easier to see colour or something is all.

Thanks. That should make things easier for some of us :)

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