Seaquest Tank band slippage

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Maybe the weight of my E8-130's makes it worse? Regardless, when you flip the buckle over on the ScubaPro strap you KNOW it aint gonna slip. Period.
If they're tight they're tight- brand doesn't matter. SPs are easier to get on and of and hold their adjusment but cam bands are easier to adjust in the first place. YMMV
Check out Apollo's "Bio Tank Lock" at
Tighten the screw, flip the lever over... the tanks not going anywhere.
The screw adjustment is also spring loaded to adjust for band stretch.
It's about $62.00 plus S&H. We have 3 Balance BCDs... same problem.
If they're tight they're tight- brand doesn't matter

Absolutely true. But, the challenge is getting it tight. That's much more difficult with the factory Seaquest strap. Once the Scubapro strap is adjusted for your tank (you only do it once) it will always be tight - every time - wet or dry. The Seaquest strap has to be adjusted each time you use it.

I have used both straps and there is no comparison between the two.
I agree with bert.
I think the difference is that the pretensioning before the final throw of the "locking clamp". With the SP, you can get significantly more pre-tension before throwing the switch than with the Seaquest, which I think contirbutes to the final tension.

I'll have a look at that Apollo unit menitned above. Anyone have experience with that Mares air powered tank lock?

Just looked at that Apollo unit on Leisure pro. Can't quite figure out how it looks from their picture, but it looks intersting. ..Might check out Apollo webisite...

I own the Balance. You have to get the tank strap wet first, then you must tighten it carefully. With wet strap I place it over the tank then hyper extend the buckle to allow me to pull the strap a little tighter before I flip it the other direction to close the buckle. (Difficult to describe but if you look at the buckle you can see what I mean). I have never had a problem with slippage including use of LP steel 120's.

I had trouble with my QD+ from time to time. In order for mine to NEVER slip, I had to take the strap out of the last hole before tightening. Keep strap tight until you fold the cam down and then thread the strap through the last hole and velcro. If I went through that mess each time I never had a problem. Don't dive it anylonger so it's not an issue.
Bert has the ultimate solution. Buy yourself either a ScubaPro strap or a SeaTec tank strap and you will never have this happen again. When you throw the lever on the locking clamp of either ScubaPro or SeaTec tank strap you will never have to worry about the tank coming loss again unless your "buddy" should want to do you a "favor".


Glad you brought this up.

I've been using the ScubaPro strap for my canister light for a while and REALLY like it. Highly recommended! It costs about $35 but it's the best $35 I've spent on dive gear in months.
I have a Black Diamond and have the same problem - even when I "pre-wetten" (that's a word - I say so!) the strap, it still slips. When doing multiple dives a day, I always tighten my band after EVERY dive, to the point where it is very tight, but by the middle of the dive it often comes loose. I've thought all along that it's just because I'm a weak girl, but I've had DMs tighten it for me, and still had it come off. When I first got it, my instructor said that it was just because the bc was new, that it would loosen up in time, but I've got over 50 dives on it now and it still is a problem.
I was doing some work in a pool this weekend and set up the rental bc's they have there and noticed that those straps seemed much, I don't know, softer I guess. At least, more pliable, and it was much easier to get them tight. I'll check to see what brand they were when I'm there next - I never even thought about changing it before, just assumed that it was something I'd have to live with. Silly....

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