Seaquest Tank band slippage

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The man behind the fish
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Kanagawa and Florida
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2500 - 4999
About a year ago, I purchased my first Seaquest BC, a Black Diamond. Despite wetting the band before tightening every time, I've had this band slip about 3 or 4 times in that year, which is about 3 or 4 times more than I've had any other band slip.

Any other experience with this?

Perhaps the lack of a rubber pad on the band itself contributes to this. My last BC, a Mares, had teh rubber on the BC and tank band. A more stable configuration?

Maybe my turning 40 this year has sapped my strength...

Well I'm 26 and I seem to have the same problem with my BC! It might be easier for me since I'm a girl, but I always ask the Captain or the DM to tighten it for me. Still every once in a while I have to have my buddy fix it for me while under water which ends up with me bumping my head on the valve for the remainder of the dive.
Glad you brought this up.

After my tank slipped out of my SeaQuest Balance on my last dive (doing a somersault in heavy surge didn't help), I yanked that piece of sh*t factory strap out and replaced it with a ScubaPro strap. That was the 3rd or 4th time it's slipped and I REALLY work hard to make sure it's tight. I'm not always able to get it wet first and that's the problem (at least part of it). I tried re-routing the strap through the belt a couple different ways but that didn't help. But, you shouldn't have to get the stupid band wet first. Do these guys test their products before they sell them????? Sheesh!

I've been using the ScubaPro strap for my canister light for a while and REALLY like it. Highly recommended! It costs about $35 but it's the best $35 I've spent on dive gear in months.
This is the first BC I've owned. Other than the strap I love it. I may go by my LDS at some point though and look into the ScubaPro strap. Thanks bertschb.
A cam band is a cam band - isn't it?
Try this... once you think it's as tight as it can get, wiggle the strap up and down while still trying to pull tighter. Always seems to work for me. I think my tank's come loose twice in all the years I've been diving.


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