I just got home from another Cozumel trip & I did this Sea Turtle Workshop while I was there. It was an incredible experience!! We rescued 13 baby turtles that had not made it out of their nests & after sunset we opened a live nest that was ready to hatch & 139 baby turtles made their way to the sea from that nest plus I I got to personally release the 13 rescued babies. This is a workshop experience. After assuring that all the turtles are out of the nests we checked, we dug up the egg casings, counted them, then buried them. Ricardo & Noel (biologists) picked me up at my resort around 4:15 pm & we drove to Punta Sur park. Turtles were released about 15 min after sunset. $60 for the experience, includes a shirt, transportation, they also had sodas & snacks plus I gave them a nice tip/donation. You can also contact Ricardo directly at 987-111-0629. Can’t get any of my videos to upload....sorry.