Dutch language newspaper article from two of the Belgian survivors rescued from inside the boat, including footage they made while stuck. Newspaper itself is close to tabloid however (being nice). Footage does show more room than Yacht Report mentioned, at least for these survivors.
One thing that comes to my mind, I see a lot of talk on various socials how Egypt has piss-poor safety standards, and corruption, and so on. I am sure that's all true... but just 5 years ago we learned this can happen in a rich modern country as well, for what's in the end essentially the same reasons.
Belgische drenkelingen filmden hoe ze 35 uur lang onder water overleefden: ‘Kijk, daar drijven zelfs sigaretten’
In een luchtzak van nauwelijks enkele kubieke meters groot overleefden de Belgische Christophe (37) en Lucianna (30) de scheepsramp in Egypte. Dat legden ze zelf vast in een onwaarschijnlijke video. Daarin tonen ze het eten dat ze bij elkaar konden sprokkelen. De golven slaan tegen hun kleine...

One thing that comes to my mind, I see a lot of talk on various socials how Egypt has piss-poor safety standards, and corruption, and so on. I am sure that's all true... but just 5 years ago we learned this can happen in a rich modern country as well, for what's in the end essentially the same reasons.