The comparison I would really like to hear is a direct comparison between the Mares Volos and some of the better splitfins (like SP twinjets or Atomic splitfins or Apollo Biofins or possibly the Oceanic version of splitfins).
I have the SP twinjets and have completed around 17 or 18 dives with them -- all in Cozumel -- 5 in January and 12-13 (13 if you count a shore dive) this June (2 weeks ago). All these dives were drift dives -- mostly effortless drifting with the current. But there were a couple of times when we had to swim up-current -- once at night, when I had no prob staying right behind the divemaster. The other was on the Santa Rosa Wall on a day when there was one heck of a current. This was only our second or third day, and I had not yet discovered or been told that the way to stay out of the heavy current is to stay close to the wall and/or go between the coral heads, where the current is much less. What flubbed us up was that 9 minutes into the dive, my husband suddenly disappeared and my son and myself kept looking around for him. As we looked around, we drifted up current from the rest of the group -- most of which were following the divemaster in between a couple of the coral heads and toward the sandy flats. We were now around 40 feet off the wall and the current was trying to sweep us further out to sea and away from the group. We tried to swim back toward the wall, and were making some headway, but it was quite strenuous. In the end, we decided to surface and signal the boat to pick us up.
After we got up, we found out that my husband started to rise and then pressed what he thought was the deflate button on his inflator hose. But since he was really pressing the inflate button by mistake (new BC), he shot up to the surface and the dive was over. To us it looked like a disappearing act -- one minute he was there and one minute he wasn't.
Anyway -- the reason I am telling you all this is that after we got up, we found out that even the most experienced divers in our group of 25 said that that dive was one of the most difficult they had done. One estimated that the current was running at around 3.0 mph -- so I guess I did OK to make any headway against it with my twinjet fins.
The other thing about this trip was that even though I am a novice diver, I had one of the lower levels of air consumption in the group -- I would end up coming out around 5th or so from the end out of 25 divers. Split fins have been shown to reduce air consumption, but I'm not sure how much that contributed to my personal low consumption. My husband (who has Cressi Frogs) is convinced it's my fins and is out to buy some new ones.
I'd like him to take a look at the Mares Volos and also the Atomic Splitfins as well as the SP Twinjets.
Has anyone directly compared any of these????