Dominick Gheesling
Nobody can answer that question, including people that work at scubapro. At one point in time maybe they will stop producing parts, but not in the near future. There are also so many mk10s out there, that the likelihood of that happening any time in the near future is not high.
Not to be crass, but just buy the damn regs already and quit worrying so much. The amount of money you're saving by buying low cost/extremely high performing regs greatly offsets the chance that in 10-15 years you can't buy parts. There was one guy on cdf that said he couldn't find parts at some point, but that's about all I've ever heard of that, and VDH always has parts. It is widely held knowledge in the florida cave community that Russel (sludge) is the most trusted scubapro expert in the area. If he says you won't have trouble, then you can believe it. You have people from regular cave divers, to ow divers, to GUE exploration divers that all rave about and buy mk10/g250s and are highly recommending them. Stop posting the same questions in multiple places and just buy some. I've already looked at 3 different sets on ebay and have thought about buying them eventhough I don't need them. You're going to miss out if you don't grab some. And just remember, these regs will likely be the least expensive, most cost-effective piece of equipment you're going to buy for cave diving. So save the stress for more important things like, is that $5000 scooter worth it.
I'm just that regular cave diver and I completely agree! I've purchased all of my regs: MK10, MK20, and G250s used. I immediately had them serviced, prior to use, by a highly reputable individual in Cave Country and never looked back, except occasionally to look at them lovingly as I think how much cash I saved and the fact that they breathe better than just about any other reg out there. Seriously, I don't like doing S-Drills because I hate breathing through someone else's crappy regs that feels like sucking gas through a straw. They breathe excellently in every body position. I have had ZERO problems/failures. I can't believe I am posting this because now I might have more competition when bidding for used regs on Ebay