Scuba Women

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Wow! Finally a dive magazine that I can relate to! The first article is a series of tips on how to have sex underwater, further down is 'Should I Snog the Instructor' (the answer girls is always 'yes') and the word 'sex' 'snog' and 'sexy' occur too frequently to count throughout the homepage. One question:

Why can't all other dive mags be like this?

I'm dumping DiveAlert and Asian Diving and making Divegirl my homepage - for educational purposes only of course. You girls have the best magazines... Now back to that dive bra article.... :D


I checked that site out- the pictures were a little lacking, but the articles are great! There is an article about Jill Heinerth and a funny incident with a bucket. I'd get a subscription if I wasn't so insecure about my manhood...
DiveGirl is freaking hilarious ---

I just wish they updated the site a bit more often.

Agree that it needs many more photos, and maybe even a 'divegirl of the month' photo spread to be truly perfect - although I just got to the how to pee and correct use of the bucket article: I'm not sure that I wanted any supporting photos for that one... :11:

Great to finally see a dive mag that keeps its tounge firmly in its cheek - It sure beats the pants off all those run of a mill mags with their gear and dive spot reviews…

Agree that it needs many more photos, and maybe even a 'divegirl of the month' photo spread to be truly perfect

Cause ya know, that divegirl of the month photo, that is likely to be a big seller with the girls... Perhaps divehunk of the month!:D
Cause ya know, that divegirl of the month photo, that is likely to be a big seller with the girls... Perhaps divehunk of the month!:D

What! Women read Divegirl as well? :11: Not that I'm into reading womens magazines or forums or anything... Oops: just saw where I'm posting - I better run along now... Don't worrry - I didn't see a thing..

As for photos of scantily-clad guys: thats just wrong! Who would want photos of semi-nude guys in a dive mag? Thats sick - unless of course the photos were of me, in which case it would be art... :D

Gotta say the ScubaGit article in Divegirl had some great advice for the ladies...

Gotta say the ScubaGit article in Divegirl had some great advice for the ladies...

I don't know about great advice...but the mention of the guys "dressed up in stockings and suspenders and played the game with the barrel and the half pound of lard" seemed rather amusing.
"dressed up in stockings and suspenders and played the game with the barrel and the half pound of lard"

Ah – that’s just a normal, healthy and beautiful thing that we guys like to do together when no girls are around to watch… Pity he spilt the beans on that one. You'll never guess what else we get up to... :D
DiveGirl is freaking hilarious ---

I just wish they updated the site a bit more often.


As a red-blooded American male, I actually found the subject to be of intellectual rather than prurient interest. Having grown up surrounded by sisters, seeing a bra is no more titilating than seeing a modest bikini top. However, I dive primarily with female buddies and had never considered the issue of the need for a bra while diving. And for once I'm being serious... I found it interesting that this never dawned on me. Of course, I'm a gentleman and never peak beneath my buddy's wet- or dry-suit!

After reading Kimber's comment, I checked the site's home page and it definitely is an amusing publication. Will have to read further AFTER I go diving! First things first.
Although I am sure the site is very informative, I see no need for women to have their own forum when it comes to diving. To me it just doesn't make sense. Then again, I have spent my entire diving experience with men and some awsome females too. Oh well to each their own.

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