Scuba Shop Break In and Robbery (Read Below)

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I know, there are a lot of good cops out there that actually want to help people and make a difference, but everytime i see a cop just sitting on the side of the road not doing anything except waiting to give some unsuspecting person a speeding ticket, i get a little annoyed. There are bigger problems than speeders. I live in the Woodlands, TX and there is a very big drug problem here especially among high school kids, and the cops dont do a darn thing about it. Every once in awhile they'll go rade some drinking party and give all the teens mips. I'm sorry for putting cops down. I know it must be frustrating that a few bad cops make people think that all cops are out to get them. But, thats exactly how i feel being a teenager.
LonelyDriver02 once bubbled...
I know, there are a lot of good cops out there that actually want to help people and make a difference, but everytime i see a cop just sitting on the side of the road not doing anything except waiting to give some unsuspecting person a speeding ticket, i get a little annoyed. There are bigger problems than speeders. I live in the Woodlands, TX and there is a very big drug problem here especially among high school kids, and the cops dont do a darn thing about it. Every once in awhile they'll go rade some drinking party and give all the teens mips. I'm sorry for putting cops down. I know it must be frustrating that a few bad cops make people think that all cops are out to get them. But, thats exactly how i feel being a teenager.

Just because an officer is sitting on the side of the road doesn't mean that he isn't doing anything other than waiting to give someone a speeding ticket.

Since you are 18 years old, I would suggest that you contact your local police department about doing a ride along. Many police departments offer this to the citizens so they can see what it is like to be an officer. If you have a clean record then there should be no problem. This way you can maybe have a better understanding of their job.
Excellent response, Wendy! As an LEO's wife for many years, these sort of comments really hit home.
LonelyDriver02 once bubbled...
I but everytime i see a cop just sitting on the side of the road not doing anything except waiting to give some unsuspecting person a speeding ticket, i get a little annoyed. There are bigger problems than speeders. I live in the Woodlands, TX and there is a very big drug problem here especially among high school kids, and the cops dont do a darn thing about it.

I have heard that a lot of cops try as hard as they can not to have to deal with drug related issues because of the large amount of paperwork involved... that's why they stick to the easy money involved with speeders.

Ok, just curioius, but what else would a police officer be doing other than tagging people with a radar gun while sitting behind a sign on the side of the road? I dont mean to be rude or anything, but thats all that I can see that they'd be doing.
And also, isn't it true that police officers have to meet a particular "quota" by the end of the week?
So, what are people saying, Texas doesn't have seperate highway patrol, and drug enforcement units? Doesn't sound right...

Anyone who knows a police officer knows how much sh!t they put up with in their job from the general public, who's best interests they're looking out for. And anyone who's ever lost a friend to a car accident understands WHY police enforce road laws. Car deaths far outweigh illegal drug deaths in most countries - which is the bigger social problem? Go and take a look at (NOT for the faint-hearted) and have a look at some of the messes that police have to clean up after a car accident, and then comment.
Anyone that think cops dont do crap come to work with me for a day.I guarantee you will have a change of heart.And if that isnt enough come and see how we train for our swat callouts.I have been in law enforcement for 9 years and on swat for 3 years.I cant speak for other agencies or other teams but we do our best.

I completely agree with scubaroos and wendys posts 100%.
I'm a big law and order guy, obey the speed laws and try to support the cops when I get the chance. Without order we have only chaos, and the cops are there to provide that order. You guys keep it up! I'm behind you all 100% of the way.

Frankenmuth Tom
Big city cops rock!! They don't mess with you unless you are genuinely doing something wrong, and as long as you aren't doing something really stupid, they let you go with a mere warning. But in my town, and pretty much any town within a 2 1/2 hour drive from here, it's a different story. Out here in the country is a whole other world from the big cities. Most people abide by the law, and not much crime, and that makes for some desperately bored cops just waiting for something, anything to do... so mostly they just sit around speed traps, hidden, and watch each car as it passes. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten pulled over for stupid crap like my window tint being 25% (30% is the legal limit), going 5 MPH over the limit, or my personal favorite, " I saw that as you drove by you were looking at my patrol car like you were nervous... you don't have anything to hide now do ya son?!?" Anybody wants to hear about my infamous car search just let me know...
Poseidon once bubbled...
Anybody wants to hear about my infamous car search just let me know...

Im game.Give us the scoop.

Just an example of what a buddy of mine is going through right now.He pulls over a van one afternoon.He asks the driver for his license and registration.Something doesnt seem right so he asks the driver to step out of his vehicle.The driver steps out and takes off running through a field.He calls for back up and runs after this guy.He catches upto him and a struggle takes place.In the process of the struggle this guy manages to get his hand on my buddies weapon.While struggling on the ground he was unable to reach his back up weapon strapped to his ankle but did manage to reach his knife on his waist.After telling the suspect several times to stop resisting and comply with his orders he stabbed the suspect twice fearing the suspect would gain control of his weapon and shoot him.

Now this dirtbag is sueing him for being stabbed and excessive use of force.Here my buddy was fearing for his life at the time and this guy has the nerve to sue him.Plus the fact of going under the microscope explaining your actions of what you did and why you did it.This is just one of many examples.

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