Hey Everyone!!!
Friday, March 13th, is the Scuba Maintenance and Repair Course. If you are interested in taking this class we need you to come in and sign up, so we can order your materials. It takes a few days for everything to arrive once we order it, so let us know as soon as you can.
So everyone knows, this course will familiarize you with the operation and maintenance of your personal gear. In this course you will learn theory, principles, and operation of dive gear, routine recommended care and maintenance procedures, common problems with dive gear and recommended professional maintenance procedures, and basic repair knowledge. We will discuss the function and workings of tank valves and regulators.
The course is not a certifying equipment repair course, but it provides the foundation youÃÍl want if youÃÓe interested in learning equipment repair.
Cost of course $100
Call YODS to sign up today (805) 813-8165
Ye Ol' Dive Shop
1403 Kuehner Dr.
Simi Valley, CA 93063
Ye Ol' Dive Shop.com Official Site
Friday, March 13th, is the Scuba Maintenance and Repair Course. If you are interested in taking this class we need you to come in and sign up, so we can order your materials. It takes a few days for everything to arrive once we order it, so let us know as soon as you can.
So everyone knows, this course will familiarize you with the operation and maintenance of your personal gear. In this course you will learn theory, principles, and operation of dive gear, routine recommended care and maintenance procedures, common problems with dive gear and recommended professional maintenance procedures, and basic repair knowledge. We will discuss the function and workings of tank valves and regulators.
The course is not a certifying equipment repair course, but it provides the foundation youÃÍl want if youÃÓe interested in learning equipment repair.
Cost of course $100
Call YODS to sign up today (805) 813-8165
Ye Ol' Dive Shop
1403 Kuehner Dr.
Simi Valley, CA 93063
Ye Ol' Dive Shop.com Official Site