Scuba Goop & Trident U Mark It Paint Gear Paint are same item

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No typo. The OP complained here, on ScubaBoard, about the price of something on Since both ScubaBoard and are owned by the same person, I think the OP has a legitimate beef.

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... and your point is?

It's bad form to go to a vendor's own website and try steering their customers elsewhere to buy merchandise. It's also perfectly within the website owner's perogative to delete ANY post that negatively impacts their business.

There's this little thing called "common sense" ... while I'm sure you have good intentions, that's a fairly dumb way of going about dispensing it.

I doubt you'll find a vendor anywhere who would tolerate what you're attempting to do.

Posting that information on a "neutral" site ... like ScubaBoard ... is a much better idea.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

I disagree with this. I'm against any form of censorship of the reviews unless they're blatantly abusive. I've posted many reviews on Amazon referring to competition in the reviews and have never been edited or censored. The reviews are either honest or objective or they're useless.

One good example of a business that censors reviews is the old, and they've been on the verge of bankrupcy for years even before Palm OS was was discontinued. The customers are not stupid.

I dunno. :idk: You tell me.

what was the basis for your statement? does buy advertising here, or has in the past.... so they at least know each other.
Not sure where I got that idea from. I know I have had contact here with the owner of ScubaBoard, I thought he was the same guy who owned I've been wrong before. :wink:
I suspect foul play...

Main Entry: ob·ses·sion
Pronunciation: \äb-ˈse-shən, əb-\
Function: noun
Date: 1680

1 : a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling; broadly : compelling motivation <an obsession with profits>
2 : something that causes an obsession
No typo. The OP complained here, on ScubaBoard, about the price of something on Since both ScubaBoard and are owned by the same person, I think the OP has a legitimate beef.
Do you know something that I don't?

As the sole owner and chairman of the 'Board (ScubaBoard that is), and not having any stock in, I can assure you that this is not true. When I get stuff from, I have to pay just like you! So you can rest easy, I have made a commitment to all of the scuba shops, online and not, to never, ever get into selling gear. It wouldn't be right, and I would lose our neutrality. In addition, I try to stay as far away from the marketing arena of as possible. I want to be able to criticize and commend with no fiscal bias.

FWIW, we have a similar issue come up in our Marketplaces. Peeps want to compare prices in someone's "I got this for sale" thread. No-can-do! It's a marketplace area, and you have to obey the rules for that area.
How does know the OP doesn't work for a competitor and is simply trying to steal customers? While $6 bucks is too much for this item, it's not unreasonable of them to protect their business from potentially shady practices by others.

When you allow reviews, it's a risk you take. There may be phony reviews either for or against. It may be impossible to find out if a review is phony, just like everything else on the internet. You either allow reviews or you don't, can't pick and choose.

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6 fold is absolutely commonplace in many industries.
You are talking about a different 6-fold, if you meant price to costs ratio. But if you see a cigarette lighter in Walgreen for $1.00, in KMart for $1.00, and the same lighter from the same manufacturer for $6.00 in a gas station a mile away, this is a rip-off.
The review is supposed to be about the product: not their pricing.

Do this for some fun and frolic. Go into your neighbor LDS and put a sign next to any of their gear: "This can be bought for %25 cheaper online and see how fast it lasts. See if you are allowed to post more of those fun informative signs.

Now write an honest review about how it works in the water and ask it to be put by the product. Unless it's hopelessly negative, it has a far better chance of staying there.'s and Scubatoy's forums and reviews are all about generating business for their respective sites. Heck, it's my understanding that they don't allow the least bit of controversy beacuse that's good for their business. If you want fair and open: try! We aim to keep it friendly, but we don't pull the plug on inconvenient threads and posts.

I disagree. Pricing enters into a review. A $1000 watch is judged by different standards than a $50 watch. Price and quality and function enter in a judgment on a product. You can see many reviews on Amazon discussing price and they're not censored.


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