Ive been biting my tongue for several days now. Ive finally bitten all the way through it, so now Ill post.
Marcia was a highly accomplished tropical diver. She was a capable cold water diver in a wetsuit. Never forget one thing, why she splashed . For her, it was all about observing and photographing her beloved sea creatures.
Cold water diving is perfect for gear freaks, like me. I enjoy the challenge of adjusting to the situation at hand. I like to progress scientifically and systematically. Extend my range... None of this held any interest for Marcia. Doppler once said something to me that really stuck. And let the source, himself, correct me if I misquote, but it was something like I wish they made a pill to correct vision and allow me to breathe and be warm underwater. The idea was that all this technical, expensive, complicated, specialized, gear and diving procedures are just necessary pains that allow you to enter the world that you seek. The safe cold water divers are all caught up in gear and procedure, once that is down, and only then, do we seek our bliss.
Quite a while ago, Marcia kidded back and forth with me about wanting a better flash for her camera. She was going to ship it to me so I could deliver it and then go diving in her backyard. The camera rig I saw being removed from the ocean was quite a piece. Nobody mentioned that. Talk about overtasked! A ill fitting suit, improper undergarments, no professional guidance with anything, a monster camera rig, a new cold water dive site, figuring everything out for herself, running out of time with respect to what she wanted to accomplish with her dives, nobody nearby, please feel free to jump in and add to the list
The red flag, No, OF ALL THE RED FLAGS, THE BIGGEST RED FLAG was her dealing with the new drysuit issues on ScubaBoard up to the day that she got onto the plane. There was a complete lack of understanding with respect to putting together a balanced rig that would keep her warm, fit, safe, and underwater for her planned dive goal and dive time.
Go back to her very last post to us. I was trying to get her to layer. Layering takes much more time to dial in than just pulling on a big bulky fleece. She said she didnt want a bulky suit so she wouldnt be a sail or get caught in current. Truth seems to be that she ended up with a suit that was too small and had inadequate room for undergarments.
So how did she end up in Botany Bay in 15°C water? She just booked a trip and met up with dive buddies. Who mentored Marcia from her warm water roots into coldwater diving? IMHO, it looks like she tried to garner enough information from us on the board to be able to throw together a cold water drysuit day pass. It will be OK, its not deep, Ill just tough it out.
It didnt work. Last time I tried to tough it out while being unprepared, I had my ass handed back to me by Doppler. The difference was, I was in a closely supervised class.
This isnt about the buddy system, gear, or anything else. It is about lack of common sense.
Is this how we care for and welcome tropical divers to our world?
There is a real lesson to be learned here, and it isnt just about how to properly gear up or what buddy procedure to use. It is all about manning up and dropping the loosey-goosey solo **** because she was an experienced dive professional. We need to see her for who she really was, a wonderfully inexperienced coldwater diver that set herself up to get hurt or killed.
Marcia ran a dive operation in Phuket, Thailand. In her off times, she loved to correspond with other divers via PMs. All you know who you are. And all of you that know her for who she truly was, also know the bitter pain of her loss.
It is 3:20 AM here in Delaware, the board is going down shortly for daily maintenance. I think Ill give Marcia a shout when it comes back up