I can add when she was found, her bcd was fully inflated and she was on the bottom.
A person went down and attempted to inflate her bcd and then her drysuit to bring her to the surface, there was no response from the tank so the person filled his wing to bring her up
On the surface they could not keep her bouyant and the person with a fully inflated wing and counterlungs struggled to keep her above the surface so he cut/removed her gear
Edit: I can add that according to one witness, on the surface, before the exit descent Quero was asked how much air she had in her tank and she responded. There was no concern at that point about available air
Not a post for friends or family!
I am battling to reconcile what I am reading with someone that has thousands of dives, is a well regarded instructor and has given advice that I respect (both PM and general) on SB.
We have a buddy system failure. I hear what Jim is saying about solo, heck, I solo most of my dives. An important point that is being lost, is that solo is a conscious decision made by suitably experienced and equipped divers. This decision is made in advance of the dive. A buddy dive that ends up solo because we don't follow procedures we were taught is a recipe for disaster. This was not a dive that was originally planned as solo.
It sounds like we have an unbalanced rig. Too much weight, possibly caused by unfamiliarity with dry suit.
We have a possible OOA. Why go down again if you are low on air? Sure surface swimming sucks, but we've all done one or two long surface swims.
It it sounds like we have a failure to ditch weights when unable to float their rig. This has been subject of a number of discussions here on the board. If the drysuit was ripped this might have been the only option for survival. I know of one fellow who took his fins off, dumped all air in his BCD and walked to the shore entry site under water, but let's write that off as a secondary option.
This reads like a number of errors compounding themselves. Here's hoping I I'm wrong and misread the posts above.