Scuba and Golf

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You may as well go for a clean sweep and add technical rock climbing to your repertoire. :D

You ain't lying. I started rock climbing when I was in college in Arkansas. I had to stop when I moved to Georgia (no rocks). Sold my gear to help off set the cost of my scuba equipment. I must say that as much as I enjoyed climbing, I enjoy diving much, much , more!

There is always an extra specialty - golf ball diver!!!!!
That combines both sports ;)
PS. In a way it's serious - in one of the golf clubs I've been told that once a year they hire a diver to collect the balls from the bottom of the pond.....:D

I've been told that diving in a water hazard is like diving in choclate pudding with some various marine life, plants, and logs thrown in for fun.

I myself never could get into golf. Have lots of friends who play and my wife's mother's husband is an AVID golfer. I wish I could dive half as often as he played golf. I guess that's one of the beneift's to being retired and not just "tired".
Sigh...Why oh why did I get involved in two of the most equipment intensive activities in the world? :freak:

I have that same problem. Fortunatly I am a better diver then a golfer. Some how replacing the 10 golf balls I lose in a round of golf isn't all that bad.

Should be easy. Lots of site have flat sandy bottoms. And golf balls sink...don't they?

golf balls do sink, the make great toys for playing in the pool with students.

I have heard though I would need confirmation from some of our Kanuk divers tho', that you can play underwater golf, upside down under a freshly frozen lake with a tennis ball.

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