SB INVADES THE KEYS... July 14-16, 2006!

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Re: Loonie hanging out ... yeah, he's known to do that to impress the girls.

To his captors ... hide your pets.
He'll try to impress upon them as well.

Oh, and tell Loonie his latest issue of "Bodacious Rubber Chix" just came in. :wink:
El Orans:
Now all I need to do is download the pix and write a trip report...

Laurens contemplating his trip report.


Thanks guys, out of about 50 pics, those are the only keepers. And yes, the Snook is a good shot. Just lucky. With the surge, and the digital delay, I got a lot of fish butts, and fish missing their tails, etc.
Well hopefully the talk of doing this next year or even biannually is something we can all look forward to. I know next year we should be in better shape to make it, no silly wedding to get in the way and suck up all our money!! :wink: It sounds like you had a lot of fun.
You and I have a much different concept of "straight". :D

I define it as not having screwed up through over confidence to the point I almost killed myself.
Thank you each and everyone of ya'll for making the (now first annual) INVADE THE KEYS a huge success! We raised over $500 that will be split between Matt, Kimber and REEF. THANK YOU!!!

I had a fantastic time, the diving was beyond awesome, the people wonderful and thanks to Gary doing his dance behind closed doors, the weather gods were pleased and we did not need to sacrafice any children.

Thanks to everybody who helped make the weekend a success. Thanks to those that jumped in and helped out moving tables, setting up prizes, prize security, ticket sellers, ticket drawers, cooks, DM'S, Captains, Blue Water Divers, Quiessence, Conch Republic, people who brought food, folks that ate it, dive buddies, swim through leaders, Rock-Paper-Scissors buddies, bubble watchers (HUGE -O Thanks to Ron Frank's wife and Kris Bulla for Hermit Crab details), those who jumped in and helped out with the party Saturday night, clean up, mess up, dance partners, raffle helpers, bartenders, photographers, prize winners, prize donators, T shirt makers and sellers, Moonie kidnappers, flag pole workers, roomates, coffee deliverers, trunk fixers, and of course Captn Gary and Admiral Brenda who kept smiling throughout the weekend even when a (now trivial) "YOU have to take care of this now" arose and I was running around freaking out. You guys are the best!

Hermit Crab, Isabella and Marvel- Thanks so much for the help with the raffle. Krista, Matt and Mardie, thanks for helping with the selling of raffle tickets.

A special thanks to Mania, Marvel, Krista and Kathy who were my personal chauffer this weekend and had to endure a telephone stuck to my ear at various times. So glad I could get rid of it underwater.

Last but far from least, I want to thank Pete. For without him taking the reins of SB a few years ago, I would not have met so many wonderful people and this weekend would never have happened. My deepest thanks and sincere gratitude to you Pete. I can call all who participanted in the INVADE THE KEYS weekend and so many more friend (and the sl*ts) because of you. Thanks Man. You rock!
Nice to know that I'm a keeper..... :D

That is a change :D j/k

*Miss running for her life, like her hair is on fire, before she is dealt the death blow*

Marvel btw thanks for being my buddy I really enjoyed the dive.

A special note to El Orans and El Zee: It is so nice to see people that have been married a while still very much in love. It is a nice change and it gives hope. It was a pleasure spending one-on-one time with the two of you, my friend.
That is a change :D j/k

*Miss running for her life, like her hair is on fire, before she is dealt the death blow*

Marvel btw thanks for being my buddy I really enjoyed the dive.

Huh! WE had a wonderful 100th dive with Marc after you dissed us for your fellow MOFers! :wink:

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